Chapter 13

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this is it

i will travel now

the morning breeze is very refreshing

good for starting a new life

a new adventure

Magia Academia is my destination

a school for nobles and scholars

a school of excellency

a school for magics

alma mater of the excellent peoples and other influential peoples across the continent

every excellent child and royalties are traveling now to go in that Magnificent school

as our Kingdom is the Center of the Harland Continent

they Build the Academy their

the Academy is build by my Master Silver

and i am super super super honored to be his disciple

a very powerful and influential person

he is so cool!

i am attending the school

as the Daughter of Duke Rial

and as a disciple of the Great Mage and the Founder of the Hera Empire

a member of the 12 orders of the Harland

I'll be separated with my parents

even in my lil brother i am sad

my parent's are actually too dramatic

my oh so strict and cold father is wailing

my calm and elegant mother has a snot in her face

just what the hell is happening?!

well i guess they will missed me so much

my heart melt

i love them so much and its painful for us to be apart

my brother is hugging me and never letting go is also wailing

many guards also helped in separating us siblings and it's very painful to hear my dear baby brother to cry

i know my baby brother i will miss u and i will never forget you

you will always be my little bro

i kissed him in the temple

i kissed also my parents

and we family hugged for minutes

i will miss my family

my clothes are already wet but it didn't matter

i cant help my eyes

tears also spilled to them

i will see them after a year

we only visits our family once a year

so i can't blame them to act like this

but fear not i still had my do- friend
(A/N:you nearly say dog didn't you?)


i will travel together with him

the travel will be long

atleast 1 month of travel

15 days of traveling to the Forest

and 15 days of traveling to the center of the Forest where the School is located

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