Your first thought on them

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💛Mac💛:" Oof who bumped into me? Oh it's a boy he's kinda cute! And that's saying something I don't give out compliments much...oh he looks young like he's 7 huh he's still adorable..oh he knows Frankie maybe we can walk together."

💙Bloo💙:"Mac I funny! Wait who's calling him? oh I that his imaginary friend he's just a blob but his voice is quite annoying but he's still cute!"

💚Frankie💚:"Oh someone swiped right Oooh she is kinda cute so I guess I'll swipe right too..haha she's quite funny...she wants to meet in person and she doesn't live that far so maybe we can talk a little more"

💜Eduardo💜:"Uh oh please don't be someone who's mean I don't want to cause trouble...oh he's nice! Well that's a good start..aww he's a big softie that's adorable!"

❤Wilt❤:"Oops I kicked it too hard! I HURT SOMEONE ARE THEY OKAY-wow he's tall and kinda cute I mean I do like tall guys but that will make me sound creepy.."

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