They ask you out

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•This boi was scared
•like he was sweating literal bullets
•Bloo had to calm him down
•"Relax Mac everything is fine she can't say no to you your awesome!!" *cough* but if she does slide her my way- *cough*
• Bloo got slapped
•he asked you to meet him at the park
•you arrived 10 minutes early
•When he got there his face was red
•You asked if he's okay and he nodded
•He blurted it out
•You were confused
•"say that again but slower Mac"
•He turned even redder
•"Will you go out with me?
•You blank stared at him
•"That's a no isn't it?"
•he started to walk away but you pulled him back
•"Why would I say no?"
•you hugged him and he turned into a tomato

• You were at foster home helping out
• Every once in a while you would see Blood in the corner
• You turned a corner and came face to face with a blushing Bloo
• "Uh hi Bloo did you need something?"
• "Yes! And uh that something is uh this pencil!"
• he grabbed the pencil and ran away
• Mac ended up asking you for him
•"Hey Y/N Bloo wanted to know if you'd go out with him"
•you smiled and nodded "sure"
•Mac left to tell Bloo and a few minutes later you heard Bloo screaming

•He wasn't that scared
• just normal old Wilt
• he asked you when after soccer practice
• he tapped you and it scared you and you kicked the ball into his stomach
• "That's okay Y/n but I needed to ask you something"
• With your attention on him the calm Wilt became the stuttering Wilt
• "I uh w-will y-you g-go o-out w-with m-me?"
• he looked at you with hopeful eyes
• "Of course I will Wilt is that even a question!?" You said laughing
• he sighed in relief and smiled
•"Awww my niño grew up so fast"
• you both turned to see a sobbing Eduardo and a smiling Coco

•She was a ball of nerves
•Tries multiple times but ends up failing or you accidentally friend zone her
•The actual time when she said it was on accident
•You and Frankie were just hanging around binge-watching movies and TV shows(Grey's Anatomy with Jesse's FiNe AsS) and eating snacks
•Then she just blurted it out while being lost in her phone "Hey Y/N do you by any chance wanna go out sometime?"
•After Frankie realised what she had said she would freeze until you put your arm around her and whispered in her ear
•"I was wondering when you'd ask me~"
•Let:s just say after that you attended her funeral cause that girl is DEAD and Mac is a Lil jelly

💜 Eduardo💜
•This anxious bean wouldn't ask you out he would be too nervous so you'd have to ask him
•But he'll try to ask you out but would chicken put last minute
•"H-Hey uh Y/N do you w-want to be my uhh.."
•You looked at him as his face got redder and redder "Be your what Ed?"
•"My Uh....BEST FRIEND yeah my very best friend" he would blurt out
•You'd laugh causing him to blush even more "Eduardo are you trying to ask me to be your Boy/Girlfriend?"
•He would look at the ground and anything in his way (Cheese) "S-Si Señorita" He'd say shyly and would become even more shy when you kissed his head
•"I would love too Eduardo"

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