Geneva: Really? 

Expresso: Yeah! 

Expresso turned to Geneva, tilting her head a bit as she grew curious. 

Expresso: What do you wanna do when you grow up? 

Geneva halted at this question, growing unsure of how to answer. Expresso then caught on to the sudden tension, and realized her question. 

Expresso: Oh-.. Right, sorry.. I completely forgot that-..

Geneva noticed how instant Expresso's joy slipped away, almost like it was wiped off. Geneva didn't want Expessso to be sad, as she panicked when trying to cheer her up, changing the subject. 

Geneva: No no, it's fine! I can say that, well.. I did want to be able to become stronger.. be able to defend myself, you know? I've been taking archery lessons from my dad. 

Expresso: ..Archery lessons? That's.. cool..! 

It warmed Geneva's heart to hear this response, as it filled up with relief when seeing Expresso's smile return. 

Expresso: I always wanted to be stronger too! I was always drawn to learning how to shoot a gun.. 

Geneva: A gun? 

Expresso: It's the western movies, probably! I'm surrounded by them, you know? 

Geneva: No, I understand! I dunno, it just sounded kind of funny to me, imagining you wield a rocket launcher or something. 

Expresso laughed at this, putting a hand to her chest. 

Expresso: A rocket launcher! Ahah, oh I wish I could! That would be so cool, too! 

Geneva couldn't help but join in on Expresso's laughing fit, lasting for a solid minute at best. When they both began cooling down, Expresso got an idea. 

Expresso: Geneva? 

Geneva: Yeah? 

Expresso: I don't know if you're up for this, but.. we both want to get stronger in defending ourselves, right? 

Geneva: Right? 

Expresso: So, uh.. 

Expresso clears her throat, hesitating before asking.. 

Expresso: Wanna.. fight me? 

Geneva paused at this question. 

Geneva: Fight?.. You? What if we get hurt? 

Expresso: Well I know, but.. think of it as training or something! Let's just.. fight each other! Maybe it could help the both of us become stronger! 

Geneva hesitated, thinking on this offer.. She was just concerned about Expresso getting hurt. 

Geneva: ..How about this? We fight until one of us is off our feet, on the ground. Not unconscious, but just on the ground. 

Expresso: Like, last one standing? 

Geneva: Yeah, I guess.. 

Expresso: Are you up to this? 

Geneva paused again.. then sighed. 

Geneva: ..Honestly? Yeah. I have a bit of anger still inside that I've been holding back.. maybe this could help release it. But, I'll only fight you if you're also up for it. 

Expresso: Okay! Then it's settled! 

Geneva was taken back, seeing Expresso take a couple steps back. Expresso crouches, getting into an actually intimidating fighting stance. Geneva slightly smirks at this. 

Geneva: Wow, you're actually looking pretty intimidating. 

Expresso: Sorry, it was just my instinct.. 

Geneva: Don't apologize, you look badass! 

Geneva cracked her knuckles and stretched, now smirking as she stared at her opponent. 

Geneva: Whenever you're ready, orange fluffball. 

Expresso: Bring it, purple danger noodle! 

Expresso was the first to begin charging at Geneva, readying a punch. Geneva floated backwards enough to have room to dodge Expresso's attack to her stomach, and also dodging another incoming punch near her head. Geneva just simply dodged Expresso's punches for a few hits, but then blocked one punch by holding Expresso's fist with her claw. 

Expresso wasn't phased by this, and actually saw this as a possible opportunity. Using her other hand, Expresso tried to punch Geneva again, but Geneva also grabbed that fist. 

Geneva: Blocked, shorty. 

Expresso just smirks at this. 

Expresso: Thanks for helping me. 

With quick movements, Expresso jumped mid-air to use her legs to kick Geneva in the stomach, sending her backwards. Geneva floated in the air, catching herself from falling to the ground. 

Geneva: Where'd you learn that? 

Expresso: Blame the western movies! 

Geneva floated in the air, circling around Expresso very rapidly in order to hide where she was in her little tornado. Expresso watched as she circled around her, and readied both fists, looking at all angles. 

Geneva waited to find the right angle to attack from behind Expresso, and once she did, she readied a claw, and lunged at her in rapid speeds. However, Expresso didn't turn around, but moved to the side at the same speed, grabbing Geneva's extended arm with a proud smile. 

With a tight grip, Expresso shouted as she performed her final move. 

Expresso: Big mistake, partner! 

Geneva was thrown straight into the floor with brute force, hitting the ground on her back. Both could even feel a slight shake as the impact was made, even Geneva choked just a little from how hard she hit the floor. 

Expresso let go of her arm, as she began jumping, having her fists up in the air. 

Expresso: Yes! I did it! I-

Expresso turned to Geneva, but when seeing Geneva roll to her side holding her stomach, Expresso's excitement instantly washed away, realization of what she had done sinked in. 

Expresso: O-Oh no! Did I hurt you?! I am so so sorry, Geneva! I-I didn't realize I would slam you into the ground that hard! Are you badly injured?! Is-

Expresso stops when hearing Geneva begin to laugh, and hard. Geneva soon got up, moving her hair out of her face, a bright smile on her face. 

Geneva: Oh my god, Expresso! You're like a small tank! That was awesome! Where did you learn that?! 

Expresso was relieved to see that Geneva wasn't in pain, and she smiled, also beginning to chuckle. 

Expresso: I'm telling you, it's the western movies! 

Geneva: No kidding! You're surrounded by this type of stuff! 

Geneva eventually got up, and to Expresso's surprise, extended out her hand to shake. 

Geneva: You put up a damn good fight Expresso, especially for a first battle. I'm seriously impressed. 

Expresso was surprised by this, but she soon smirked, looking away for a second as amusement crossed her face. 

Grabbing Geneva's hand tightly, Expresso looked back at her new friend with confidence. 

Expresso: You did too, Geneva. And that's not me speaking positive. 

Take On The Role - A Hat In Time Fan-Made StoryWhere stories live. Discover now