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Besides from me saying sorry about my bad writing and grammar mistakes, I think my story isn't half bad at all. Hehe


Italized words are in English

~5:30 am~

I beat my alarm clock again by 30 minutes. As of now I'm sipping on my second cup of tea while scrolling down social media.

Living here in Korea for a long time alone may be one of the reasons why I'm such a loner. I am half Korean after all, but I don't think this is something new to the crowd here.

I finished my tea and went in some jogging clothes of my liking, grabbed my phone and air pods and went out of my apartment.

I start of with a normal walk then after five minutes I start a light jog. At the direction I'm at the sunrise is very much visible and aesthetic.

Time skip

I got home, cooled down and took a shower. I take out some of my reserved food for breakfast I made yesterday from the fridge. It consisted of leafy vegetables and chicken breast put them in the microwave to heat and it's ready to be served. I started eating healthy like this from a year ago so I can't say I have the perfect body image but a nice one just enough to be accepted as a trainee.

Time skip

I already took a bath after lunch now I decided that I'd buy something for myself just to keep me positive in living. Not that I'm bragging but I have like almost a million dollars in my bank account from me working part time, my parents monthly gift, from the holidays that had past.

Now on the street passing buy clothing stores, cafes, maybe I'll go to a book store.
Walking in, the door rings its bell to tell that a customer has come in. It was a book cafe. It feels so cozy here and really gives off a vintage feeling.

"Welcome. Please feel free to look around and find a book you like."

I start to look around for inspirational books or (genre you like). They've always been my favorite. I drag my fingers across the titles reading every each of it to find something interesting. I look around more at the other side where their number of books on each shelf just keep getting bigger and bigger.

"Excuse me?"
A deep voice spoke from behind me. I look back to see a guy with freckles and gazing brown eyes looking a bit troubled.

"Um...Can you speak English?"
His hand visibly tighting its grip on his backpack strap.

"Yes I can. Do you need something?"
I ask facing him fully. He was wearing a blue checkered polo shirt and a dark blue sweater on top.

"I was hoping if you can help me find a book that can teach me Hangul, if that's not ruining your time." He tells me while his other hand rubs his right forearm. An obvious Australian accent in his voice is detected.

"Sure, not at all. I was just looking around for pass time. Actually I think I just passed by some books you need." I said then I quickly go back to the shelf I just left off from and grab out two books.

"Are you... somehow..." he says slowly and shyly.

"Half foriegn? Yes I'm am." I finish his sentence as I pass him the books.
"These are Hangul 101 and Constructive Sentences in Hangul. They both have English subtitles so it would be easier for you to understand" I added as I pointed it out from the cover.

"Thank you so much. You must've learned from scratch to, huh?" He looks at the book covers.

"Don't worry you'll learn to get around. But shouldn't you have learned Korean from homeland first?" I lead him to a study table with four seats. We didn't even notice we were both sitting down and talking.

"Well... I was kinda in a hurry. The idea of becoming an dancer has been in my head for years now and I couldn't take it. So I took a plane and went here immediately." He set down his backpack at the chair beside him while I place my shoulder bag on the table by my side.

"I suddenly have the feeling like I'm listening to my story." I put my phone out and he did too.

"Really? The feeling of it is somehow like a dream but really reality and its scary sometimes but I'm actually glad I made the desicion." He looks down at the books as he said that. I could see a small smile come upon his face.

"I admire your bravery of coming to a country empty handed though. That's really something." He waves his hands.

"It's nothing, I thought it was really stupid actually." It fell silent after that and I couldn't think of anything else to say. I'm going to start being boring again I guess.

"What's your name by the way?" I look up kinda skeptical. He hints my suspicion so he introduces first.

"My name is Felix, Lee Felix. You are?" He said smiling at me with eager eyes that seemed to make you lost staring at them.

" YN LN."

"Thanks a lot for the recomendation of books YN if I meet a lot more people like you here in Korea I don't think I'd have to worry that much." He gives me a genuine smile.

"It's nice meeting someone like you for a change." A very small smile crawled up my face.

~ring vibrate ring~

My phone lits up showing an alarm notification for 4:50 pm.

"Oh, I need to go back home now, I still have so much to do." We both grab our bags and stood up.

"Of course, I need to go as well and get started with these books. Thank you again." He helds up the books.

"Oh No problem, Felix." He looks at me dumb founded. I then just remembered he doesn't speak korean yet.

"It's no problem in korean." We both giggle.

"Right, right. Maybe the next time we meet I'll be able to speak a bit of korean. I'll see you around YN." He says waving at me as I make my way to the door.

"Sure, see you Felix." I wave back at him.

As I walk back to the apartment and couldn't help but feel lonely again. After this encounter I feel like there could still be hope for me but at the same time scared. What if he was just being nice? I don't know anymore.

I ended up not buying anything which was okay since I didn't had to spend money. When I got home I changed off to more comfortable clothes and start cleaning up my living room.

One In A Million [Felix X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now