Loneliness breeds fear, uncertainty, and thoughts. And those were the things that Frank wanted the least. He was alone at home for the first times in weeks, thinking about it now, Gerard has never left his side for so long, he has adjusted his working hours to be all during Frank's sleepy mornings. He even stopped attending his occasional lectures and preferred doing them at home. He wanted to keep Frank under his watch, to fill the emptiness in his life. 

09:23 AM Frank laid on the white sheeted bed looking at the ceiling, maybe if he sleeps time would pass quickly. He forced his eyelids to shut and tried to clear up his thoughts... He couldn't. The sound of the butcher cutting the animals' heads under his house was loud and repetitive enough to let Frank picture all the blood spattering on the walls and on the butcher's apron. His heart hurt him. 

10:05 AM He opened the fridge for the fourth time looking at the neatly organized products, Gerard had always kept an eye on everything, he cleaned the house on a daily basis, brought fresh vegetables and made sure to cook every meal by himself. Thinking of this made Frank smile. Gerard must be a fairy, he thought, made of pure pixie dust and filled with all the beautiful things. 

12:45 PM A weird feeling took over his chest as he sat on the blue couch and took one of Gerard's books in hand. Everything related to him gave Frank an airy, relaxing feeling. What is happening to him? Frank has always been the heartbreaker, the cold hearted asshole, he had charmed a lot of girls: from the gorgeous cheerleader in highschool, to the black haired bass player in his old band, but he always ends up walking away, laughing at their pitiful tears and ridiculous love confessions. He didn't care. Love is just a myth. 

14:52 PM He looked up at the small frames hanging by the enterance, pictures of Gerard's parents, his younger brother, his cats, and him. His fingers, uncontrollably, found a way into Gerard's face in one picture. His face looked so soft and heartwarming, like warmth of a campfire hugging your body on a cold night by the shore. He noticed how breathtaking his eyes were, which doesn't really show now because of the dark purple around them. Gerard must be so tired.

16:10 PM Gerard has taken over Frank's head. Thinking about him in all the right and the wrong ways, sitting on the couch, standing in the balcony, or looking at his reflection on the bathroom's mirror, he just can't get him out of his mind. It's so wrong, he thought to himself, he just wanted to stop thinking, he doesn't want Gerard... he doesn't want to love Gerard "fuck it..." he whispered to himself. 

17:50 PM "Sally, can you please take my place for like, half an hour? I need a break". Said the young doctor to his co-worker, she nodded, smiling. "Sure Gerard, just bring me a cup of coffee on your way back please." He nods, taking his white coat off. He quickly left the hospital, his hand securing his pocket, looking paranoid in all directions. Gerard walked for some minutes until he saw what seemed like an abandoned building, he put the hood of his jacket on and adjusted his scarf covering his face before stepping closer. The door was open, he hesitated at first, but then gathered his courage and went in. "What do you want kid?" A tall, heavily tattooed pile of muscles asked him, and he could feel the blood freezing in his veins. 

"I'm here for a deal." he stuttered. 

"What ya got?" Gerard's shaking hands found a way to his pocket, to reveal some orange bottles: the pills he stole earlier. "I want Frank's guitar back." 

19:31 PM He can't take it anymore. He needs something, anything to make him stop thinking. He frantically looked through the clothes in the closet, to pick a random of the many jackets Gerard owns, it was bigger than him, but he didn't care. He left the small apartment, slamming the door behind him. A feeling of guilt pained him as he did, but it quickly vanished as he took the stairs down, heading to the closest bar. 

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