Chapter 6

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I slide in the seat next to her and demanded her to get me coffee. Afterwards, we headed to school and since we still had time to kill, we went to library and asked her the same question I ask her everyday, 'Did you finish your homework? I didn't,' 'Again. Arughh! I'm not helping this time.' Blair replied. I scoffed and took out my History essay. Luckily, I spotted my next victim— Damon. I was meaning to talk to him anyways about last night. He held out his essay before I even said anything. 'How did you know?' 'Wolf hearing,' he explained. I took the seat next to him and asked him about my book he stole. 'I borrowed it,' he argued back, 'I wanted to see if there was any other way to be immune to wolfsbane other than being tortured with it. I didn't find the answer though. Can I keep it for a bit longer?' I nodded and said 'Sure, but you have to return it to me tomorrow!'He nodded and smiled minding his own business.

Blair turned to me and asked me what was up with me and Damon and I shook my head and said it was nothing. She raised her eyebrow but didn't push it. The bell rang and we went to Arts room.

Miss Sara, our arts teacher gave us an assignment, we had to do an art about something that could represent us. I thought hard and my mind drifted back to last night. I tried to remember the last book I read because I loved reading and decided to draw how I would portray Jude from the book The Cruel Prince, my latest favourite.

I sketched the character and then started painting her. As I slowly painted on her, another face came to mind. It was my sister's.

'Tag your it!' Samantha giggled.

'Better run while you still can! I'll catch no matter what!'

'Huh?' I saw Blair snapping her fingers in front of my face. 'You okay in there? You kind of blacked out.' I shook my head and looked down at what I was doing. What was supposed to be a drawing of a fictional character, was now a portrait of my late foster sister. Woah, I don't remember doing that... I was stunned to say the least. One second I was painting someone and the next I blackout and paint someone dead.

A barely 9 years old peered at me from the page, wearing a chilled and calm expression. She wore a mustard coloured sweatshirt loosely. Her sapphire blue eyes was gazing carelessly at me like she didn't die. Didn't get a bullet in her chest. Didn't feel her life and soul abandon her body. Leaving her lifeless. Like the innocent girl wearing a messy ponytail who didn't get shot, as I found out later, because of me.

All because of me...

Blair glanced down at my canvas and looked astonished, 'Wow, I didn't think you could sketch and paint so well!' I shrugged and asked what she did. She shook her head and said she had no idea what to do. She went back to her seat so she could rattle her mind for any ideas.

Class ended and I headed to the toilet to wash some paint off my hands. When I was about to leave I saw a glimpses of purple glaring at me. I looked closely and couldn't see it. Then I saw that it was my eyes flickering between a deep shade of purple and then back. I heard a dangerous howl from far away and my ears straightened up, straining to hear the howls again. Holding back from the sudden urge to bark out howls of my own growing in my throat. The howls slowly went silent but specks of dark magenta remained clouding my chocolate iris. I quickly dialled Blair's number and begged her to pick up. 'Dude, I'm gonna get killed if the teac-'

'Hey do you have your brown lenses with you, like right now,' I pleaded for them desperately as magenta crept out from the small specks rapidly.

'What? Why do yo-'

'Do you?' I urged her.


'I'm in the 2nd floor toilet please come and give them to me.' I said, hanging up.

Blair rushed in a minute later, her contacts in her hand. I snatched them from her and fixed them in. 'O my god, what happened to your eyes?'

'Don't know,' I said rubbing my eyelids and grabbed my bag 'Let's go'

'Good morning students, I'm your substitute teacher for Miss White. Pass out your homework from last lesson,' When no one moved she snapped, 'Now!' 'But there was none.' a student replied. 'Stop lying and get it out!' As if they have all practiced everyone shook their head and said there wasn't any homework. 'Miss White told me to collect you biology essay.' 'We already handed it last week.' Other murmured in agreement. She sighed, 'I left your assignment at my desk, I'm going to get it, please keep quite and study.'

The second the teacher left the room, the whole class started havoc. Someone started shouting at the top of his lungs. It almost sounded like it was a barely suppressed howl. My head was throbbing and I felt nausea crawling up in my throat. Damon walked over and murmured, 'You ok?'

'Why won't I?' I asked rather than giving a straight answer. He rolled his eye, 'Well for starters, you like you're going to puke. And your eyes.You heard the howls too I take it?' I nodded knowing he heard them too. I sniffed and smelled a malodorous stink. I began itching absently on my arms. I looked down and saw rashes scattered all around my hands up to my arms.

I looked at Damon's and saw faint but still visible scars from no doubt his rough and probably brutal past. He is after all a general. And if he is one at this age, I shudder to think what his training was like. I looked at his face instead after spotting no trace of rashes. His face showing no discomfort.

'I swear these pesky rashes were not there a minute ago!' I exclaimed scratching my fingers around them. 'It's wolfsbane,' he said. I suddenly felt drowsy and clutched my table tightly. 'From where?' I asked. He took off with me trailing behind him. Fortunately for me, I was tall enough to follow his long quick strides. He sniffed and his coal eyes gleamed red. 'Hey, wait. Damon?' I called out to him but he ignored me. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm. Shaking it gently, 'Hey, what's wrong?' 'It's nothing,' he apologised and shrugged. I nodded, not wanting to push him.

We headed back to class but I couldn't help thinking. Why was I affected by the wolfsbane this time? It never had any side affects before when I used it on the werewolves I hunted.

The teacher came back and quietened the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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