"Happy Birthday"

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The clock struck 12 as Sonakshi tiptoed into hers and Rohit's room, trying her hardest to make no noise, with her phone ringing constantly with messages from her fans containing pleasant wishes for her birthday.

As Sonakshi switched on the lights in their room, she saw Rohit sleeping, with a light strain on his eyes due to the light, in the most uncomfortable position with their 11-month daughter, Kyara, sleeping soundly on his chest. His hands engulfing her in a warm hug and his chin placed on her head.

Rohit had been back from a long surgery just probably an hour back. He had messaged Sonakshi for the same, saying that he'd be awake at night to be the first to wish her but he had had an extremely tiring day, running around and she knew that. Though he had promised her, she didn't want him to be awake for her.

Sonakshi quietly tiptoed into the washroom, after collecting her clothes, to change into her night clothes. She walked out after about 5 minutes and plucked out Kyara from Rohit's hands, trying her hardest not to wake them up and placed her in her crib, cradling her continuously.

Sonakshi caressed Kyara's hair and kept on looking at her with admiration. She hadn't had much time to spend with this little bundle of joy since she started shooting about 3-4 months back. It had been very difficult for her join back but everyone at home had unconditionally supported her and the biggest supporter being Rohit.

By the time Kyara was 6 months old, it had already been more than a year and a half since Sonakshi had set a foot on the sets and she felt a certain void inside of her which led her to join a show which had been offered to her the previous month with a happy as well as heavy heart. It took a lot in her to leave spending so much time with Kyara but somewhere, even she knew that a piece of her heart loved the sets and wouldn't be happy without it.

Sonakshi had gotten used to her original pre-pregnancy routine in the past 1-2 months but she still missed spending time with the cuteness that Kyara was. Sonakshi had a lot of uncertain shooting schedules with the over night schedules being lesser this time around because of her contract, but sometimes she had to stay along till later, just like today.

Sonakshi hadn't ever wanted to leave acting and she had tried her best to make the producers to change her schedule to something which was better and convenient, keeping in mind her family, but there was only so much they could do.

Sonakshi felt a yawn coming up and crawled in beside Rohit and pulled him down on the bed. She wrapped his hands around herself and fell into a deep slumber, placing her head on his chest.


Rohit flickered his eyes open and looked down, feeling a slight weight on his chest. Sonakshi still slept on his chest with her mouth slightly open and her long flowing hair disturbing her eyes in their deep slumber. He pushed her hair away and admired her face for a good ten minutes.

Rohit heard a loud piercing cry in the room and quickly jerked up from his position, waking up Sonakshi in the process. He rushed towards Kyara and took her in his arms, pacifying her.

"Rohit... She must be hungry... Lao mujhe do I'll feed her" Sonakshi said in a half asleep tone, with her hair all around her face. Rohit passed on Kyara to her and sat on beside her checking his appointments for the day.

Rohit had cancelled most of his appointments for the day, still keeping the most important ones. He had already planned Sonakshi's this birthday to be her best one and he had to be home early for that.

Rohit knew she had her shoot planned for that day as well but he had worked it out with her producers to give her an earlier pack-up so she could be back on time. It wasn't her first birthday post their marriage but it was the first one they were celebrating together.

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