Special Chapter

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Jennie's Pov

I was watching the Full Moon

When My phone started ringing I answered

"Hello is this Ms.Jennie Kim" Someone said

"Yes, Who may this be" I ask

"This is the police can you come over (Random Hospital Name) " The officer said

"Okay I'll be right there" I said

And I ended the call

I was confuse why would the police need me

I got my purse and phone and got my car keys

And drove to the Hospital

I arrive and was met by a officer

"Are you Ms.Kim" The officer ask

I nodded

"Well you see a Friend of yours has Jumped off the roof top and When The doctors realised she was gone it was too late she was dead on the spot" The officer said

"But you friend left a camera,a picture, and a letter" The officer said

And gave me 2 letters

Letter for Jennie

Dear Jennie,

             As you can see while your reading this I'm supposed that I'm already dead I would just like to Thank you

For always being there for me and for giving me Fun memories
I loved you to the bottom of my heart but I don't think you feel the same from what happened last year

And I'm sorry if I wasn't good enough for you, I'm sorry I wasn't perfect for you just know I love you and I'm sorry

         From Your bestest friend: Y/n L/n

I looked at the photo that was attached to the Letter and I started crying

Suicide Letter

Whom ever reads This is my Suicide letter

You might be asking why would I commit suicide

When I have a stable and Happy Life

It's because the person I loved the most and the most important person to me is no longer beside me and is with someone else

I'm committed suicide cause I could never live without her by my side

So I'm very sorry to my Family for Leaving you but I can not handle the thought of her not beside me

I'm sorry,I love you and Goodbye

       Your's dearly : Y/n L/n

I was Crying regretting what I did

Now I lost the one I loved dearly

"Ms.Kim We would like you to watch this video on the camera" The officer said

The officer guided me inside a office and gave me a laptop

I played the video

"Hello Who ever is watching this I am Y/n L/n"

"I would like to start off if you're watching I assume I had commit suicide"

"I would like to start first with talking about my life"

"I had the most wonderful life any person can have I had a wonderful and supportive family"

"I had the most wonderful Person beside me"

"But If I were to suicide it would mean that wonderful person has left my side and went to another one"

"Second is if your watching this Jennie RubyJane Kim I would like you to visit my house and walk to my room"

"Go to drawer next to my bed and get the thing I wanted you to have on your 18th birthday"

"I'm sorry that I can't attend your 18th birthday and give this to you personally"

"If it were me my last words would be..."

"I Love you so much Jennie,But You couldn't Love me back Why can't you Love me like how you loved him"

"You might be wondering How do I know that, How can I predict the future"

"It's because I have been having this nightmare everyday"

"Now I can end that nightmare and sleep peacefully"

"And For now Goodbye and Take Care"

And the video stops

I thank the officer and quickly go to Y/n's House

I opened the door and shut it and quickly ran to Y/n Room

I went to the drawer beside her bed

And opened it

To see 2 boxes

I slowly opened the large box first to see it was a necklace

With Me and Y/n name in it with a heart

I put it in my chest and started sobbing

I slowly opened the smaller box to see a ring

A Ruby Ring with Jennie RubyJane written in it

I smiled while crying

"Why did I have to be so ignorant" I said

I then saw another box

I opened it to see a Heart pendant I opened it to see

A picture of me and Y/n Smiling while hugging each other

I smiled

"I miss you so much" I said

I then saw a letter

Dear Jennie

             I know it's not much but I hope you like my gift for you I spent alot of time getting it so I hope your happy

Happy 18th Birthday

I love you

          Sincerely Y/n L/n

I cried

Hugging y/n Pillow

I can still smell her perfume

I slowly Fell asleep thinking of y/n

The End

Yooo Thank you for reading this book I appreciate the support I hope you liked the book

And I make a sequel in the future

Thank you and Goodbye = ̄ω ̄=

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