Chapter 1.

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~Lectoras PoV~

I awoke to screaming. My eyes flew open and I sat up in a panic. I thought for a moment it was me screaming but my mouth was closed. The screams were coming from the room across from mine - Florrie.

I jumped out of bed and flung open my door, then I bounded over to Florries room. She was lying flat on her back screaming, her face was deathly pale.

"Florrie!" I said.

"Florrie!" I said louder, shaking her by the shoulders. "Florrie, it's okay! Wake up! WAKE UP!!"

Florries eyes flew open just as Uncle Sirius burst in.

"Florrie?" He asked, coming to sit next to us. Florrie had stopped screaming but she was softly crying, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"The dreams again?" Uncle Sirius asked. Florrie nodded. All summer she had had horrible dreams about Cedrics death, and the worst part was that she blamed herself.

Florrie lay back down and closed her eyes.

"Night, Flo." I whispered. Sirius kissed Florries forehead and we left. Sirius guided me to the kitchen and he cast a silencing charm, already guessing what I was going to do.

I picked up a plate and flung it at the wall.

"Why'd he have to die?!" I yelled. I flung another plate at the wall and then a mug, fork and another plate.

"I hate this! Stupid Voldemort! Stupid rat-faced-Pettigrew!" I continued, beginning to pace. "Florrie hasn't had a wink of sleep since summer began!"

Sirius stood behind me, calmly muttering 'reparo' at his smashed plates and other utensils. He was used to my 'tantrums' by now.

"I know you're angry, Tora. I understand." Sirius said. "Do you wanna know something? Regulas, your dad, would let all his anger build up then he would explode, he would start throwing things too."

That brought a smile to face. "Thanks uncle Sirius."

Sirius smiled. "Go back to bed, kiddo."

* * *

The Weasleys and Hermione are moving in today! Hermione and Ginny will be staying in Flories room and Clary (Rons twin) will be staying in my room.

My room is actually my dads room. Florrie was going to sleep here but she got too emotional and decided to sleep in another bedroom.

Dads room was decorated with so much Slytherin stuff. Yuck. I managed to remove most of it and replace it with Gryffindor colours. I found a picture stuck on the wall, it was of dad and Sirius, they had their arms around each other and they looked about 9 and 10. They looked so young, carefree, innocent.

I heard the door open and as I looked over the stairs I could see a lot of redheads and one brunette.

"Weasleys! Hermione!" I cried, running down the stairs and hugging each of them in turn. I gave Clary the biggest hug.

Florrie came down next, a smile on her face. It was fake. She was white as a ghost and looked like she had lost a bit of weight. She hugged everyone then took Hermione and Ginny up to her room. I showed the rest of the Weasleys where they were sleeping then brought Clary to my room. We sat on either side of my bed and I grinned at Clary.

" and Seamus, huh?" I said, raising my eyebrows. Clary turned red.

"No...Who told you that?" Clary asked.

"Seamus!" I laughed. "He's one of my best friends, remember?"

Clary giggled. "Okay...yes.."


"Is Florrie okay? She's so pale." Clary asked, changing the subject. I sighed.

"She's been having a lot of nightmares about Cedrics death," I said, lowering my voice. "She thinks it's her fault."

"What?!" Clary hissed. "It's nobodies fault except You-Know-Who's!"

"I know," I said. "But Florrie doesn't believe that."

"Well, we'll have to make her believe that!" Clary said determinely.

"How?" I asked.

"Uhm...I don't know..." Clary shrugged. I burst out laughing and I nudged Clary with my shoulder.

"I've missed you, Clary!" I giggled.

"I've missed you too, Tora!" Clary said. "Now about you and Neville..."

* * *

Hi everyone! Here is the first chapter of the sequel to 'The Rejected Veelas'!
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The Start of Everything BOOK 2 {Harry Potter Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang