Jamie De Caestecker (Inglourious Basterds)

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Full name: Jamie Lyn De Caestecker

Occupation: Army nurse turned spy.

Face claim: Elizabeth Henstridge

Likes: caring for people that can't look after themselves. A certain army unit. 

dislikes: Anything to do with Nazies. 

Back story:

Jamie spent the first twelve years of her life growing up in Edinburgh Scotland.  Her life was turned upsidedown when she and her dad moved to new york. She was visiting the central park zoo and that's where she met her best friend. A Boston native by the name of James. When the war brakes out James convinces Jamie to become a nurse. After being an army nurse for two years she realises that she enjoys looking after the men. Another month after recognising her passion for looking after people she is assigned to Lieutenant Aldo Raine's unit. 

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