This Way

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The stomping sound of the foot soldiers were like a constant reminder to watch your back and keep your eyes open. Esmerelda was guiding you through the town since she told you that there was a place nearby that would let you stay for as long as you needed. You weren't planning on staying long seeing as you both promised Quasimodo that you would visit him after dark.

"We're almost there. The house is owned by a miller and his family."

With a nod, you concentrated on climbing the grassy hill that the farmhouse was built on. It was around late morning when you arrived, and when you knocked on his door all it took was one look at you two before he ushered you inside with a cautious look out the door.

"Welcome, weary travelers. The world has not been too kind to you two recently, has it?"

"No sir," Esmerelda spoke. "We're just seeking refuge until nightfall."

"Of course," the man said understandingly. "Stay as long as you need. There is a cellar beneath the floor for you two to hide in should you need to."

"Thank you. We'll take you up on that offer."

The miller moved a rug on the floor and revealed the entrance to the cellar. He knocked twice before opening the hatch and letting you down inside.

"There's not a ton of room, I'm afraid. Listen for a double knock to know that it's me and not someone else," he said before giving you a match and closing the door.

There was a single unlit candle off to the side that you were able to make out thanks to the small streams of light from the floorboards. Walking over to it, you struck the match and lit the candle before placing it in the middle of the room. The light allowed you to see more than you could have without it, and revealed that you were in an empty wine cellar. With a tired sigh, you sat next to the candle with Esmerelda following your example not too far after.

"So we just wait until nightfall?" you asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. We'll probably go to the Court of Miracles after we visit Quasimodo tonight."

"That'll probably be the best choice," you agreed. After some time, you asked, "What's the Court of Miracles like?"

"Whatever picture you have in your head I would forget it. It's not what you're probably thinking." She thought for a moment before trying to explain it to you. "Picture the slums. There's a lot of people who are just trying to survive in this hellhole. It's not the best place to live your life, but without it, I don't know what my people would do."

"I'm sorry, Esmerelda. Nobody should have to spend their lives hiding."

"It's alright," she said as Djali comforted her. "You'll see what it's like soo-"

She was interrupted by a loud band from the door and the miller's child speaking frantically. Quickly, you blew out the candle as two sharp knocks were heard and light streaming down from the opened cellar.

"You must leave, immediately," the miller spoke hurriedly. "Frollo himself is coming to search the place. He won't be easy to dissuade unlike the other soldiers. For your safety and my family's, please, flee this place!"

With a gasp and a rush, you and Esmeralda ran out of the cellar and out the door. You managed to hide behind some shrubbery as Frollo and his men neared the house. Esmeralda threw on her 'old man' disguise with Djali as you hid behind some of the crowd's people.

Frollo knocked and when the door opened, he walked inside. His voice was loud and clear. "We found this gypsy talisman on your property. Have you been harboring any gypsies?"

"Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord," the miller begged.

"I am placing you and your family under house arrest until I get to the bottom of this. If what you say is true and you are innocent, then you have nothing to fear."

"But we are innocent. I assure you we know nothing of these gypsies!"

Frollo walked out of the house, shut the door, and barred it with a guards javelin. His next words to Pheobus made dread bloom in your stomach.

"Burn it."


Frollo handed Pheobus a torch and hopped up on his horse. "Until it smolders. These people are traders and must be made examples of."

"With all due respect, sir, I was not trained to murder the innocent."

"But you were trained to follow orders."

Phoebus cast the house with a glance before drenching the torch in a barrel full of water with a look of disdain at Frollo.

"Insolent coward."

Frollo took another guards torch and lit the mill on fire. The fire spread quickly to the house and soon the hill was set alight.

The children's cries could be heard. Phoebus, acting quick, leaped through the window and kicked down the barred door, saving everyone. As he was returning the children from his arms to their parents, Frollo's guards knocked him to the ground with the pommel of their swords and grabbed him.

"The sentence for insubordination is death," said Frollo to a kneeled Phoebus. "Such a pity, You threw away a promising career."

"Consider it my highest honor, sir," Pheobus sassed.

Before the guard above him could slice through Pheobus, Esmeralda intervened. Gathering a rock into a slip of fabric, she made a makeshift sling and hit Frollo's horse. The horse reared, knocking Frollo off, to which Pheobus used this distraction to save himself. Shoving the guards to the ground, he grabbed the reins of the horse and took off.

"Get him," Frollo shouted. "And don't hit my horse!"

Phoebus made it halfway across the bridge before the archers managed to impale him in the shoulder. He was knocked off the horse and fell into the waters below. The archers followed and continue to shoot into the water as you and Esmeralda snuck after them.

"Don't waste your arrows," Frollo chided. "Let the traitor rot in his watery grave. Find the girls! If you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it."

And rot Phoebus would have if it wasn't for you two. As the men marched away you dived into the water with haste. It didn't take long for you to find him. When you resurfaced with the man in your arms, Esmeralda dashed towards you and helped you bring him onto land. Upon reaching the shore, Esmeralda heaved out, "We have to bring him somewhere safe."

"Yes," you gasped out. "That much is evident. Where would we bring him?"

"Quasimodo," Esmeralda said instantly. "He'll protect him."

"We can't. Frollo often visits there, it would be hard to hide him. Quasimodo has been through enough, can't we leave him out of this?"

"(Y/n), we must bring him to Quasi. I know it's unfair but Quasimodo is the only person who will help us."

With a sigh of defeat you agreed.

"Alright, Esmeralda. If you think this is the only option, then let us hurry."

You and her hooked Phoebus's arms over your shoulders and dragged him to the Cathedral. Luckily, it seemed all the guards weren't in that area since they figured you two wouldn't go back there. You climbed the steps and made your way to where Quasimodo was. Before you could try and do anything, Esmeralda unhooked herself from Pheobus and knocked on the door, leaving you almost crashing to the floor with the extra weight.

Esmeralda opened the door as she called out, "Quasi? Quasimodo?"

Her voice was muffled as she walked inside the building, leaving you to make your way to the door with the little help Phoebus was able to provide. When you made it, Esmeralda returned to you and hooked Phoebus's arm over her once again.

"This is Pheobus. He's wounded and a fugitive; like us."

Quasimodo's face turned from confused to pure relief as he saw you. Esmeralda explained further, "He can't go on much longer. I knew he'd be safe here. Please," she begged. "Can you hide him?"

"This way."

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