I'll See You Tomorrow

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You were nine at the time and doing the chores your mother assigned to you. You've already fed the chickens, cattle, and the horse your family owns; now it was time to go to the market. She didn't give you anything too complicated or expensive to get, for you were young and she feared that something would happen if you were spotted with a large sum of money. So she gave you enough to get a loaf of fresh bread and one thing that you wanted. It was fairly early in the morning, so you set off with the intent to play the rest of the day when you were finished. The streets were filled with workers and tired customers that walked to and fro, but you managed to wriggle on by and make it to the bakers. He greeted you with a smile and asked what you'd like.

"One loaf and a cookie, please."

He chuckled and brought out what you'd ask, and you handed over the money with little change back. You parted with a wave and left the baker. Tiredness blanketed your body as you were returning home, so you rested on the steps of Notre Dame. You debated on whether or not you should eat your cookie now but your thoughts halted when the sound of scraping quietly filled the air. You gasped and flung yourself off the steps to look behind you. A boy, you concluded, was hanging a little ways above where you were with a makeshift cape covering him and his face.

"Oh," you laughed. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't- I didn't mean to frighten you." He stammered.

"Why are you hanging there?" You said going to sit back where you once were. "Come sit with me."

The boy seemed to have a mental argument before slowly climbing down and dropping next to you to sit.

"My name is (Y/n). What's your name?"

The boy messed with his hands nervously before stuttering out the name 'Quasimodo.'

"Why are you wearing that?" You questioned, "I want to see your face."

"Oh I don't- I don't know. You wouldn't like my- my face," he stammered again.

"You don't know that," you said gently. "I'm sure you have a wonderful face."

"I don't," Quasimodo spoke surely. "My master says I don't."


"Yes," he answered. "I live in the- in the bell tower. He's the only person I see."

"Oh," you said softly. "Well, how do you know if you don't have a wonderful face if you only see your master?"

Quasimodo paused and thought for a moment.

"I guess I don't then."

"Can I see?"

After fiddling with his hands, he slowly uncovered his hood and revealed himself.

"Oh!" You gasped in surprise. "I've never seen a face like yours. How wonderfully unique."

"Wonderfully unique?" He questioned.

"Yes. What a wonderful and unique face you have."

Quasimodo smiled and looked like he was about to cry.

"Oh, thank you!"

You smiled back and continued talking.

"I'm nine. How old are you?"

"Ten, I think," he said not quite sure. He then looked at the items beside you. "What do- what do you have with you?"

"Bread, which reminds me, I must leave soon."

"Oh," he mumbled. "Will I see you again?"

"Of course!" You exclaimed, "I'll come back tomorrow."


"Yes. And here-" you pulled out the cookie you bought for yourself and thrust it into his hands- "have this. Think of it as a token of our new friendship."

"Oh, thank you!" He said earnestly, even though he had no idea what it was, "I'll see you tomorrow."

With a last 'Good-bye!' and a wave, you ran to your house with your loaf of bread tucked under your arm.

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