❦| Chapter 23

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"Who's in love?"

Y/n and Chaeyoung gulped as they both faced the dark expression of the oldest girl.

Y/n glanced at Chaeyoung, asking for help. "I-I said, I am inlove.." Chaeyoung reasoned out.

"With who, may I ask?" Mina butted in with her eyebrow raised.

'Fuck, remind myself to kill Y/n later!'

"You already know, Minari~ I'm only inlove with you" Chaeyoung said with the sudden confidence making Y/n amused.

Mina went off guard and blushed in a shade of red like ketchup.


"What are you planning?" A guy asked.

"I'm planning to get revenge. Can you do me a favor?" The girl asked as the guy immediately nodded.

The girl grinned.

"Well then, listen.....-- "


"Do you have to go out at this time?" Y/n and Chaeyoung asked at the same time while Nayeon and Mina got intimidated by the expressions the two are showing.

It's getting dark and the two can't help but to worry. "Yep, and also, don't follow us" Nayeon demanded.

"B-but..-- "

"No buts, stay here.." then Nayeon and Mina left, leaving two pouting girls.

"They are so mean.." Y/n trailed off then look at Chaeyoung who's also looking at her. They both grinned.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Y/n asked.

"If you are thinking about how gorgeous Mina is then yes" Chaeyoung said dreamily. Y/n frowned and smacked the older girl's head.

"Not that! Let's follow them, secretly. I feel like something bad is gonna happen" Chaeyoung nodded but also smacked the arm of Y/n who winced.

"You smacked me first now don't complain"


"Are you sure about this, unnie? You know that those two are both pranksters too. We can't leave them both alone" Mina asked worriedly.

"Nah, don't worry. If they do something stupid, they'll face my wrath" Nayeon grinned resulting for Mina to smile and laugh a little.

They were about to pass the alleyway when a group of four guys went on their way.

"Hey there, pretty ladies~" one guy licked his lips while checking them out. The sun has completely set and the spot they are in is dark.

The two girls cowered away from them but got surrounded.

"Come with us, we'll have fun..."

The guy grabbed Nayeon's wrist causing for someone behind them to burst in anger.

"Yah!! What do you think you guys are doing?!" They all turned to the direction where two girls are standing.

"Oohh~ two more pretty ladies. Why don't you join us, too?"

Nayeon's eyes widened when she saw the familiar face of the girl.


A face of disgust was shown in Y/n. Then the latter glared at the guy's hand who's holding Nayeon's wrist.

"Let her go" Y/n spoke in a dangerous cold tone that send shivers on their spine.

Chaeyoung stepped away a little, scared at the dark aura that Y/n is emitting.

The group of guys felt their knees shake but stood their ground.

In a split of seconds, Y/n dashed infront of a guy and kicked its side causing for the others to get off guard.

The guy that was kicked fell down from the impact, clutching his side in pain.

Two guys attacked Y/n at the same time but before their fists collided with her face, Y/n ducked and side stepped before she elbowed the guy's little guy.

(A/n: I suck at fight scenes, I swear)

Y/n stood up almost in a blink then threw a punch on the other guy's face. She threw another puch, and another one, followed by another one until the guy fell unconscious.

The first guy she had hit before stood up and attacked Y/n from the back. And almost by instinct, Y/n sidestepped before kicking the guy the back. Chaeyoung snapped from her daze and pinned the guy on the ground, hitting it with her shoes multiple times.

The guy who seems to be the leader immediately fled when Y/n turned to him.

Before Nayeon could talk, Y/n immediately engulfed her with a hug making her stunned.

"Are you okay?" Y/n mumbled.

Chaeyoung and Mina watched the two in awe.

Nayeon hummed before pulling away. "Let's go home now"

The others nodded before they walked back home leaving the unconscious guys sleeping in the cold concrete floor.


"Are you telling me that you ran away cause you got scared?!" The guy shakily nodded shamefully.

The girl furiously slapped the guy in the face with the back of her hand.

"Tsk! Such a useless jerk! Get the hell out of my property or I'll blow your head off!!" The girl felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Calm down, there are a lot of days you can make your revenge....





"I thought about killing you a while ago, but I changed my mind" Chaeyoung said out of the blue and Y/n gave her a confused look.

"Why?" Chaeyoung glared at her.

"You don't have to know"


❧ 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃] | Im Nayeon ff.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن