Chapter: 8 Pancakes

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As the Star War movies play on the TV, each member of the newly found succumbed to a peaceful sleep. This was unusual for the family. Every night at least one of them had a shadowy monster lurking in their imagination, rising to the surface, invading their sleep. That night was different. Maybe, it was the feeling of safety or the hope that their lonely lives will grow into one with family, but the reason did not matter to them. All they cared for was the people resting beside them.

It was 8:00 in the morning when the first member woke up. He looked around at the peaceful couple and their soon to be son and smiled. All of them sprawled out on the living room furniture, gently snoring. The sight was adorable; it would even make the angry Hulk smile with affection.

"Friday?" Rhody questions quietly, so he does not wake the family. "Can you take a picture and send it to my phone?"

"Already done, sir."

"Thank you, Friday." He turns and starts walking away, but his legs start making a squeaky sound. Worried that he woke someone, he looks back at the family. Not one of them stirred. He lets out a breath and carefully moves out of the room to start packing for his trip.

The next person to wake up was Pepper. She shifted on the couch, unintentionally waking up her fiance. He grunted in response, not wanting to awake from his rare peaceful dreams. Pepper glanced up and smiled. It was not the smile forced on by the press. This one was reserved for Tony, Rhodey, Happy, and the newest member of her family. 

Pepper tapped Tony's shoulder to get his attention, then motioned her hand over to Peter. The sight melted his heart. Peter was sprawled out all over the chair with arms and legs in all directions. His face held a peaceful expression relaxed by the dreams that played through his mind. Pepper and Tony turned to each other. They were happy with the sight in front of them.

"I hope this works." Pepper broke the silence.

"Me too," Tony replied hopefully.

They silently got up from the couch and made their way into the kitchen.

"Friday," Pepper question, "What meetings do Tony and I have today?"

"Boss has two with the new director of FEMA and Ross," Friday responded. "Miss Potts has three meetings with investors from South Korea, Uruguay, and Italy." 

Tony huffs in annoyance. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes," Pepper replies as she grabs the extra pancake mix from the fridge. "Are pancakes good?"

"Sure," Tony takes a pan and places it on the stove. "There is no point going to the meetings; they will go in a circle. Why don't we spend time with Peter instead?"

Pepper sighs, as a thought runs threw her brain. "Friday, cancel all meetings today and the rest of the weekend."

"I knew you had a rebellious side." Tony smiles.

"I didn't until I met you." Pepper laughs.

At this moment, Peter wanders into the kitchen. He looks like a mess. His clothes are crumpled; His eyes droopy with sleep. The couple smiles at the mess in front of them. 

"Are pancakes good? Peter" Pepper askes.

Peter, still too tired to talk, nods and plops down in a kitchen chair.

"What do you want to do today?" Tony received a shrug as an answer.

"Not a morning person?"

"Yeah," Peter says.

"He talks!" Tony fakes a surprised voice.

"Don't be mean Tony." Pepper gives her fiance a look.

"Yeah, Tony don't be mean," Peter says, smiling.

"Two against one," Tony pretends a sad look. "This isn't fair."

The couple makes an amazing breakfast, and they sit down to eat it like a family. Smiling and laughing, it was the first happy family meal in the compound since the Avengers left. The best part was that there would be more to come.

"So, I was thinking." Tony starts. "I know we were going to sell the tower, but why don't we give it to the city and make it a technology center."

"What do you mean?" Pepper askes.

"Stark Industries, Wakanda, and other businesses can use it as a workspace. Everyone can cooperate, and we can show unity after the Avengers split up."

"I like it." Peter joins in the conversation.

"See," Tony points his fork at Peter. "It's a good idea. We can keep the penthouse, so we can stay in the city for Peter's school."

Peter gives an annoyed face at the word school.

Pepper smiles, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let's announce it by the end of the week." 

"I got it." Peter speaks up. "That's what we can do today,"

"What?" Tony questions.

"We can design and redo the penthouse like those shows."

Tony shrugs, "I have nothing better to do today."

Pepper laughs, "Sure, that sounds like a great idea."

By eleven, everyone was in the car. Peter had changed out of his Ironman pajamas and was wearing a regular science pun t-shirt. Tony wanted him to wear an Ironman one, but Peter refused and replied Tony had to wear a spiderman t-shirt. Tony didn't own one, so they both were in their regular clothes.

The hour drive to New York felt short. The road trip was full of joy and laughter. It ended too quickly. They stopped on the way to get a cheeseburger because today was a happy day. Maybe, it was a rough time now, but they all knew it would get better.

Peter was relieved about the trip. He knew Mr. Stark and Miss. Potts were distracting him, but he didn't care if anything, he was grateful. When Ben died, he spent three days in bed. Every hour filled with depressing thoughts, but this time was different; he became part of a new family. He was wary at first at Mr. Stark's arrival. Running away was probably not the best option. It was necessary, though. The situation brought a conversation that was direly needed. Peter understood that this was his only option. As New York passed by his window, Peter realized how lucky he was. His life will change, but maybe it will be for the better.

 His life will change, but maybe it will be for the better

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Hi, I hope ya'll are staying safe. I know this was late, but I hope you still like it. 😁

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