Today's Friday. According to my timetable, I have PE.

Physical Education.

Physical and emotional torment.

For me, at least. I'm one of those people who are intelligent, yet suck at PE. It's the subject that I dread the most. Back in Atlanta, I would pretend to be sick and wound up in the medical room, just to avoid participating in that awful subject.

I know it's a requirement and is beneficial to my health, but when you're bad at it, the constant backlash you get is enough to kill you. No, I'm not being sarcastic.

A lot of people have game rage, and therefore having a bad teammate brings out the absolute worst in them. I've witnessed my own friend turn on me - it's not fun.

I groaned as I walked with Kim towards the sports hall, which was a separate building to the rest of the school. I was glad that I had Kim with me in my PE class, so I won't be alone.

"I feel your pain." She grimaced. "The worst part is, we don't get to pick our own teams."

"What?" I startled, my eyes glimmering with hope. "That's great! It's so embarrassing when you don't get picked.."

She laughed, "Trust me, it's a lot worse when you are put on a team full of bitches who don't want you there."

I groaned once again, realising that's there is no way out of the embarrassment that was to come.


Kim and I walked through the changing rooms. It was my first time in there and it's a lot smaller than the ones at my school back in Atlanta. This was the girls' changing room, and most of them were already half dressed.

The walls were white stained bricks and the floor was painted mud brown. There were benches and pegs on either side of the changing room, however there were no lockers in sight, meaning anyone could steal your stuff. This made me feel uneasy as Kim and I proceeded to place our bags down at a bench in the far corner within the changing room.

I hadn't took note of the students in my PE class as I'm new and unaware of the names of most students, but I managed to spot Christina, a girl named Jade who's in my art class, and .. Jennifer.

As I looked at Jennifer who was in her bra and about to put on her PE shirt, she looked up at me, causing us to make eye contact.

At that moment I looked away nervously, feeling my face heat up.

That was awkward..

I turned back to Kim and started unbuttoning my school shirt to change into my PE kit.

"I don't like the look of this class." Kim expressed, sighing as she began to put on our PE uniform, which consists of a t-shirt with the St Mark's logo on it.

"Me too.." I reeled off, my mind wavering back to Jennifer. Maybe I should take advantage of this class and use this as an opportunity to get on her good side again. However, I knew that wouldn't be easy.

I then remembered what Christina told me one form time, about Kim and Jennifer being friends once.

"Kim?" I began. "I heard you and Jennifer were friends once."

I noticed Kim's eyes widen as I mentioned Jennifer, and only moments after they sank into a deep abyss.

"Yeah." She replied, the hesitation visible in her voice. "We were friends once."

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