??: "Um oh yea I'm Zion by the way". He says as he reached his hand out for me to shake. 

Me being the giggly person that I am I giggled then shook his big hand. His hand is soft, but also a little clammy. Is he nervous? He doesn't look like he is. 

Kell: "I'm Shakell but you can call me Kell". I stared.

Zion: "Nice to meet you, Kell". He releases my hand and smiles. 

He smiles a lot I noticed but I like it. The line moves up and now it was my turn to order. I order my strawberry lemonade drink then grabbed my money out of my wallet. Before I could hand her the money I was stopped by the same hand that a shook seconds ago on mine and the other handing the lady a credit card. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He orders his drink also like he didn't just put his hand on mine. 

Kell: "You didn't have to do that". I told him. 

Zion: "I insist." He says. 

Kell: "Well thanks. I owe you." I said while looking at the ground.

Zion: "Nah don't worry about it ma." 

The woman swipes his card then gives it back and we wait on the other side for our drinks. 

Kell: "Well you're a gentleman." I joked and smiled. 

He chuckles as he puts his hands in his pockets then says. 

Zion: "Yea I know." He shrugs then chuckles again. 

He is too cute! I shook my head and chuckled at his joke. There was silence, but the tension was loud. I saw him in the corner of my eye examining me from head to toe then slightly smiles when he finishes burning holes in my skull. I can't lie and say that I didn't like the attention because I definitely loved it. I heard my name get called for my drink so I walked away and grabbed my ice coffee. Shortly after while I was walking towards the door I heard Zion's named get called then I felt a hand grab my wrist softly then causing me to stop dead in my tracks. I turned around and was greeted with his beautiful face making me smile once again. His drink was in his left hand as his right hand was in mine. Lord, he's touching me!! 

Kell: "Yes?" I asked with a cheesy smile. 

Zion: "Um, I just wanted to ask if you can sit and talk for a few, but if you can't I totally understand." He makes eye contact with me once again. 

What is this boy doing to me? 

Kell: "No, I can! I mean yea." I changed my tone. 

He grins then begins to walk to a table with my hand still in his. Sadly, he lets go and pulls out the chair for me to sit which I gladly accepted. He then sits across from me and sets his drink on the table as I did the same. As I sit across from him I start to study his facial features and I love everything about his face. I notice that his lips are very pink and plump. Ugh, his eyes are just so beautiful you can seriously get lost in those pretty brown eyes. He begins to chuckle which confuses me so I gave him a weird look then asked. 

Kell: "What are you laughing at?" 

He then stops and smiles at me while he crossed his arms and relaxed in his seat then says. 

Zion: "I'm laughing at you. Why are you just staring at me?" 

Oh shit, I didn't mean to stare! Say something that is not creepy. 

K: "I-I just noticed that when you smile your dimple shows and it's...cute." I hesitated in the last part. 

No, why did I say that?! He probably thinks I'm being weird now. Girl, stop staring at people so much! He smiles more then looks down while unfolding his arms and putting his hands in his pockets. I see his cheeks turn a little pink then it goes away and he looks up at me while straightening his posture. 

Zion: "So tell me about yourself." He says as he picks up his cup and takes a sip of his drink. 

Kell: "Well what do you want to know?" I shrugged.

Zion: "Anything. What do you do?" He says. 

Kell: "I'm a photographer for Teen Vogue and many more companies, but that's the main company I work for." I explained. 

The whole time that I was talking he kept his eyes on me, I mean I can't lie and say that I didn't like the attention because I loved it. Nobody has ever looked at me like this since my last boyfriend who we are not going to talk about because he's an ass. We sat and talked for what seems like forever but it was probably only an hour. He then gets a phone call causing our conversation to come to an end. 

Zion: "Ugh now?! Okay fine I'm on my way." He says into the phone then hangs up. 

Oh no it sounds like he has to go. Is it weird that I don't want him to? I barely know him. Well it was fun while it lasted. I watched him stand up and grab his drink then pushes in his chair causing me to do the same. 

Kell: "I'm guessing you have to go work or something." I said obviously already knowing the answer. 

Zion: "Yea the guys need me at the studio, but it was nice meeting you and I hope I can see you again." He gave me a polite smile. 

K: "Yea sure, I would like that." I returned the smile.

Zion: "Bet! Well I'll see you around." He said while giving me one last smile showing his adorable dimples then without saying anything else he walked out the door. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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