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Terry was an average clown that got money for his balloons , he would move to fair to fair each year.Terry thought he was good to join a famous curcius so he went to go get an application . He joined the American brothers  curcuis on July 3,1984.He loved performing in front of thousands,it always been his dream he said.But after 5 years of performing the ring leader decided to fire him in front thousands.Terry was sad,emmbarsed,and raging mad that when he was leaving he said I'LL KILL YOU ALL.But when he said that the crowd just laughed harder . He was furious that he said I need revange I need to kill them every one of them.So that's what he did for two years,each day a member went missing .until the leader was the last one,so terry had a plot to kill him.Terry found were he lived so  he stalked him until the time was right.Terry found an open window and snuck in.He torcherd him for a good hour ,just before the police came .when Terry heard the sirens he turned around and sall the man laughing .And Terry said you sick f**** and next thing you know he surrounded by police an S.W.A.T.The police yelled your surrounded come out with the hostage . Terry followed defections and went outside ,and he sall swat police pointing shotguns and helicopters.And Terry yelled he deserved it and my work is done and he pulled the trigger and killed the man,and then terry put the gun gun to his head and pulled the trigger.And that was the end of Terry the balloon clown.

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