Violet summers|fierrochase(p.1)

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Just pointing this out when they died like floor 19 if someone met them before they died they wouldn't remember them👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Magnus's clothes are like the one in the picture above.
Hi my name is Violet summers and everyone loves me and every boy wants me I have long blond hair(dyed) Blue eyes (Contacts) and I'm really rich because my dad is a famous lawyer and my mum is a famous model.

I only wear short crop tops, short shorts and heels.
I were the perfect amount of make up(too much like a ridiculous amount)Every boy wants me-when they ask me out I say yes break up of the next day on the same day someone asks me out I say yes the next day break up with them and the cycle continues. I have every boy I want. Except for one Magnus chase. He's gorgeous blonde hair just above his shoulders and always wears a weird necklace( Jack)

Anyway the gods like the Roman Greek and whatnot are all real.
So now we have to take all these extra classes to learn about it.

Anyway back to Magnus. He get asked out a lot always says no because he's in a relationship but we are know he's just waiting for me ask him out.Sense he so gorgeous I might keep him for a week.
Me and him have the same classes so I can stared in every day I'm going to ask him out after school. Anyway right now where in Norse Mythology class. Magnus isn't paying attention. Then Miss Jackie our teacher calls on him to answer a question."Magnus who is the Norse God of death" The whole class was startled we hadn't Learned that far yet.
"Hel" he answered not paying attention.
Miss Jackie and the class was stunned. Miss Jackie continue teaching then five minutes later a phone rings it was Magnus's phone. The rule was that if you were called in class you have to answer it and put it on speaker.
" Magnus you know the rules" miss Jackie said
Magnus picked up his phone And answered and put it on speaker.
"Hey Maggie"the person on the phone said
"Hi Alex"
" when are you coming back"
" after-school why?"
" my mom is back"
" what!!"
" The good news is that she can't do anything"
" okay can you do me a favor?"
" pick me up after school will get there faster then"
" stay safe"
" I got to go,love you"
"Love you too"
Magnus hung up. The class and Miss Jackie stared at him. The bell rang I got up and left.
I was mad


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