When she opened her eyes, light from the dress shown through them. The dress was a deep red that reflect light every little motion she made, but at the same time it appeared transparent. It fit snug against her thin frame flowing down at the bottom. At first, she thought it looked like fire but then she understood what she meant. It hit her what it looked like.


She was still standing gawking at her appearance when a voice sounded behind her. "What do you think? Do you like it?" Peoria asked.

Awestruck at the beauty of the dress, she was left speechless "It is like I am wearing rubies!" she exclaimed.

"I take that as a yes," Peoria laughed.

"Very much so, its amazing," Ruby complimented.

"Her wear these," as she handed her heels and jewelry to accent her outfit, "and hurry up the parade starts soon. Remember to smile big. You'll do great, darling."

As she stepped into the heels, she looked one last time at her reflection, her makeup was minimum, and her hair was down shining like her dress. She couldn't believe that it was her she was looking at.

She quicked her pace falling multiple times from the heels to catch up to this new person that she hoped she would get to know more of.

When she set her eyes on Sharon, just the site of him was terrifying, shirtless with a small vest showing his bulging muscles and broad shoulders, his pants resembled their district. Even her glittering dress had a hint and style from their district. His outfit had hints of rubies on his clothes to go with Rubies elegant dress.

An older man that had obvious had plastic surgery transforming his look to a younger age, stood beside him.

Peoria and the other prep assistants guided them on the elegant carriage with the horses glistening and their manes shining perfectly.

Before she had time to take in what was about to happen, she was lifted on to the carriage beside her soon to be murderer. Sharon gave her a murderous glare before stepping up into the ride with her. He quickly changed faces to the familiar cocky grin and convincing smile. She wondered if there was another side to him under his shell or not, a softer one that cared about the loved ones he left behind just like everyone else. Then again, she didn't want to know or cared since one of them was to kill the other. Somehow, they both resembled their district but still wore a glint of red.

Everything around was happening so fast, she did not have time to think, worry, or for the anxiety of the situation to sink in.

It was barely yesterday that she walked those life-changing stairs to her presumable death. Her face was about to broadcast to every screen in every home, district, and shop. Her family, friends, and most of all her boyfriend would watch as all their greatest fears came to life. Her greatest fear, one that threatened to control her. She couldn't let it though knowing that Clifton would sit there in his house on his bed watching her suffer. She had to put a brave face on for him to give him some hope and joy if any could be found.

The doors slid effortlessly open and out rode the first carriage proudly displaying district one's career tributes.

Anticipation, fear, and dread began inched its way into every part of Ruby's body as the chariots leave one by one like a ticking time watch till the unavoidable death. That is what they are games of death in which the capital can choose the next victim.

The timer counted down district two, three, four, and kept going down nearing her time on television.

Since her district was the one of the last, she had time to compose herself. Five and six her anxiety building by the minute. Seven, eight, nine, she mustered her best convincing smile masking the fear inside her. Ten, her fear escalated as the carriage began to move. Sharon looked as proud as ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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