Ch. 17 Rage Pt.1

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*Axel's pov*

"Assistant!" My uncle shouted while I was busy doing other work 'man I really hate my uncle living with him has been fun and all but after a while I does get boring since I have to do all the work' "coming uncle!" I shouted before rushing outside only to see a pile of scrap "I need you to clean this up while I work on my mechano dragon" Magnus said "yes uncle" I replied trying to keep a positive attitude

'why don't you just do it yourself for once...I need that were-dragons help...only I never met him/her I've only heard my uncle talk about him and one day he came back covered in bruises...once I'm finished with this I'll go find him' I thought to myself and after I was finished it was about 3:00 in the afternoon and since my dad was working on his mechano dragon this gave me the perfect opportunity to go find this were-dragon I've heard about

*several hours later*

"It's been a while and I still can't find him...what gives?" I asked before seeing a cloaked man buying some fish "e-excuse me sir?" I asked "yeah...what do you need kid?" The man asked me "i'm looking for a were-dragon that attacked my uncle...have you seen him anywhere?" I asked "your the nephew of Magnus Finke correct?" There man asked me " do you know my uncle?" I asked the man before he let down his hood "i'm the man who attacked him...I'm terribly sorry about that...but I've made amends with him and everything's cool" the man said to me 'h-how did this guy attack my uncle...there's no way he could have...when my uncle came back he was covered in bruises and cuts plus it took him several days to recover from the incident' "hey kid you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost?" The man asked me but I didn't realize that I had spaced out "huh...yeah I'm fine...I just spaced out a little names Axel...what yours?" I asked the man "the names imo...I'm a member of the Rescue Riders" Imo said to me "come on...I have some friends to introduce you too" Imo said to me before he took me to the roost

*My pov*

"Hey, dad I have someone I'd want you to meet" I said before moving out of the way to reveal Axel "Axel?!" Dak and Leyla exclaimed " two know him?" I asked "of course we know him...he's Magnus'-" "nephew? I know, he was looking for a were-dragon that attacked him..." I said "how do you know what a were-dragon is?" Axel asked me before I looked at my mom and dad "go ahead son" Hana said to me "Axel...stand back" I said "why would you want me to stand back?" Axel asked me "just do it" I said before he did and I turned into my striker form "y-your a w-w-w..." was all Axel said before passing out but I used a shadow revive technique to get him back up on his feet "Imo...what was that you just used?" Summer asked "it's a tactic I got while I what as on the dark Isle" I said "now that's cool" cutter said "I don't are you a were-dragon if your parents are human?" Axel asked "my parents are were-dragons as well" I said "our kind is an extinguishing race..." Hana said "oh...I'm sorry to hear that" Axel said "it's ok...but why was you looking for me anyway axel?" I asked "it's my with him is nice and all but he always has me doing all the work while he's busy improving his mechano dragon" Axel said "at times I just want to unleash all my anger at him for what he's headed me do...I just want to be accepted and appreciated but all my uncle really see's is a tool" Axel said "now I kinda feel bad for be honest he does have Axel do all the work..." Aggro said "tell ya what can join the Rescue Riders" Dak said "you really mean it...even after what I did to you guys?" Axel asked "why not...and trust'd be more useful with us" Leyla said "thank you...thank you so much...Now if you excuse me...I have someone to confront" Axel said before he got on my back and I flew him home

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