Ch.4 Purity

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After the attack I knew I didn't belong so i just grabbed my things and left but i engraved a message into the wall apologizing along with another message in engraved in the dirt saying 'if you need my help with anything don't come looking for me' then when the others came back Cutter noticed something written in the dirt "huh...whats that?" Cutter said before he and the others landed "well what does it say?" Leyla asked "it says 'if you need my help with anything don't come looking for me'" cutter said "i was beginning to like him though" Burple said "He could've been a good helper around the place winger" aggro said "i know aggro but...i don't want to risk getting anyone hurt" Winger said "Winger does have a point there" Dak said "but what type of dragon was he...that's the question?" Leyla said "your gonna have to ask him about that leyla..." Aggro said "i think we should go look for him" summer said "after everything he's done you want us to look for him no way summer" Winger said "and plus the message said don't come looking for me" cutter said "well me and summer are going to look for him" leyla said before she and summer left to go find me

"They was right...i've always caused a lot of pain to others...but when will they see the good in me...probably never" i said before i reached my home and when i opened the door only to reveal a quite cozy home "i'm home mom" i said coming in "hey sweetie...what's wrong...your not your usual self?" My mother asked "i thought i made some new friends...but they had me leave today" i said trying not to cry "why do i have to be a were-dragon mom...why cant i just live a normal life" i said sobbing "honey...i know its hard but your father was able to control his...maybe you'll get the chance one day" my mother said "i guess your right mom..." I said wiping my tears away

Rescue Riders: Curse of the Lycanwing [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat