
He looked up and he had some tears. Katsuki groaned but patted his back.

'Sorry, it's just, you went through a lot. I'm also glad it wasn't as bad as some people thought.'

Katsuki sighed and leaned against Eijirou.

'How's everything on our side any way. Are..are my parents ok?'

Eijirou nodded updating Katsuki on everything and Eri. Katsuki didn't know how to feel about having a new baby sister.

'I hope I don't fuck it up.'

Ei laughed and his laughter died down after he realized something.

'You're different, not in a bad way, but you're more relaxed. I..'

Eijirou stopped as Katsuki looked him in the eyes.

'You don't have to worry, I'm..I guess it took me being sent to another world and trauma to get it through my thick skull that I was an asshole. Doesn't mean I won't give little bitches what for when I get back.'

Eijirou nodded before pausing.

'How are we gonna get back?'

Katsuki shrugged.

'Some guy named strange is supposed to help. Magic is apparently real here, or something like it. He's supposed to help, but the avengers are having a hard time tracking him.'

Katsuki said frowning at the floor. Eijirou hummed but put a hand on his shoulder.

'Don't worry, we'll find that man, and have him help us. He is a hero so all we have to do is wait.'

Katsuki scoffed but shared a fist bump with Eijirou none the less. They spent the night together for the first time in months. Katsuki woke up the next morning to find Ei missing from his bed. Hearing from voices downstairs answered his question before he asked it. He headed down there to see Miss May laughing as she was bench pressed from her chair.

"My! Quite a strong friend you have here! He's a keeper!"

Katsuki couldn't help but feel like she meant that towards a romantic way for him. But that wasn't possible right? The wink from miss may had Katsuki rethinking how he should act around her.

"Miss May, my friend and I will head out now. I want give tour around."

Miss May shook her head.

"Breakfast first, and go with peter, you are still new around here you could get lost."

They ate breakfast and Eijirou was enamored with the food he ate. Miss May made a damn good pancake when she wanted to. Peter walked out with them but he was going to hang with Harry.

"It's bro night and we would invite you but it's kinda, you know an us thing."

Katsuki gave peter and teasing wink that has him spluttering. Eijirou laughed at that and they went off to the city. Katsuki explained how he was going to the school here and how that was going.

'Hmm, it's pretty cool that we don't have to do heroics. But I think I'm gonna drop bad grades if i join you all.'

Katsuki smirked nudging Ei's arm.

'I'll just tutor you again, plus I think they taught us pretty advanced stuff in UA, so you might actually do better here.'

Eijirou raised an eyebrow at that.

'Why because it's dumbed down here?'

When Katsuki didn't say anything and looked away Ei felt attacked.

'Wow! Ok, you can't stay here anymore, you've grown too sassy.'

Katsuki laughed at that and shoved Ei's head down.

'Funny coming from you!'

That led to chase and boy did they run. Katsuki laughed as they ran down the streets and parks. He ended up bumping into a lady.

"Ah! Sorry!"

It was a familiar lady, before he realized who it was. It the was lady he helped with the purse. She stared at him dusting herself off.

"Oh, it's no problem, say, do I-yes! You're the boy who helped me with my purse!"

Katsuki was shocked she recognized him. He was wearing his beanie and different clothes.

"I..I remember those bright red eyes anywhere. It's pretty rare. Oh right, you don't understand-"

"I do..now, learned from good teacher."

The lady gasped and smiled at him. She complimented his English and gave her thanks again.

"Why don't I buy you and your friend a drink from the cafe? It's the least I can do."

Katsuki just agreed because he didn't want to deal with her convincing once he said no. Eijirou was excited to try American foods. Katsuki got himself a tea while Ei got some sweets. The lady introduced her self as Lisa.

"I can't thank you enough for that day! You were so brave to face that man."

Katsuki nodded holding back from rolling his eyes. It didn't help that Eijirou was giving him a shit eating smirk. Lisa smiled oblivious to the two.

"So where do you two come from?"
"Japan, got here when I help you with purse."

Lisa gaped and stared at Katsuki.

"You just got to the country and decided to help me? Oh bless your heart! And I didn't see you with him earlier?"

Lisa said addressing Eijirou. Katsuki saved him since they didn't bring his translator.

"He came later, he does not speak well in English."

Eijirou laughed but nodded along.

"I..understand..for the most.."

Eijirou's thickly accented English was hard for Lisa to understand but she got it.

"Well, that's good. I hope I haven't taken too much of your time. Wouldn't want to disturb your date, thank you again!"

Lisa left before Katsuki could explain. Eijirou blushes and sipped his drink loudly. Katsuki took a deep breath and began walking out the cafe.

'Ok, whatever, let's head back, Miss Parker doesn't want us out late.'

Eijirou agreed and they walked side by side. Both of them lost in their thoughts didn't even notice their hands intertwined. One could say that this was just the start of the two.

THE F*CK IS A AVENGER?!!(My Hero Academia X Marvel Crossover Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now