"Parvati!" Lupin calls causing the girl to step forward, replacing where Ron stood. The struggling spider was replaced by a vampire .

"Riddikulus!" she casts quickly, causing the cloak to cover the vampires eyes and it struggles, unable to move it and once again the class laughs. 

"Mr. Thomas!" Lupin picks next, Causing the two students to switch places. The vampire then changes into a Giant Cobra. 

"Riddikulus!" Dean casts, after a second, causing the Cobra to change into a giant silly jack-in-the-box. again the class is filled with laughter.

"Rose!" Lupin calls on me next. I take a deep breath, and switch with Dean. Unsure of what's going to happen.

The boggart then changes into, him. The body of  17 year old Tom Riddle. I let out a shaky breath. The class was now silent, probably confused, the only other person in this room who knows, is Harry. I lift up my wand to it, shaky. My heart starts to beat faster. I try to think of something for it to turn into, but nothing comes to mind. 

"Relax Rose, Just concentrate." I hear Lupin say to me. I nod, my eyes shifting from the boggart to Lupin, then back to the boggart. 'He' smirks at me, the twisted look in his face, evil in his eyes. I take a deep breathe, reminding myself that it's a boggart, it's not real.

"Riddikulus!" I cast, nothing really in mind for it to turn into. A bright light hits boggart, blinding me for a second, when the light fades and in its place was the diary. It wasn't funny, or interesting, but it made me feel better.  I slowly lower my wand.  No one laughs. I look over at Lupin, scared and confused.

"We'll work on it." He tells me, then looks over the class, "Next, Harry." Lupin gestures for me to move away. I look down and go back to stand next to Hermione. Passing Harry who grabs my hand for a second for comfort, then letting go. She puts her arm around me in a half hug to comfort me, but I refuse to look up, feeling some people looking at me.

I look up once I hear some gasps. In front of Harry, the boggart had turned into a Dementor. Harry raises his wand. But he freezes like me. The Dementor boggart begins to come closer to Harry.

Lupin steps between Harry and the boggart, snaps his wand at it. "Here!" he says gaining the attention of the boggart. It then changes into a misty cloud, showing a bright full moon behind it. "Riddikulus!" He casts, causing it to go fly around the room as if it was a balloon, flying into the wardrobe where it locks when the door closes. 

A full moon? That's a strange fear... unless?

"Well done, everyone. I think that's enough excitement for today." Lupin dismisses us. Everyone leaves. I stick with Hermione, wondering where I went wrong with the spell, how could I even make that monster funny, no one in the room even knew.


It is now the weekend of the first Hogsmeade trip. This is the first year that we're all able to go, all the older students had already left, but we were getting the rules from McGonagall before we left. "Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." She tells us, and allows us to go.

Hermione, Ron, and I wait by the door for Harry. He was going to ask if he could still come along despite not having the permission slip signed. Harry approaches McGonagall, but from where we stood it looks like he didn't even utter a word before, before she told him something. They speak for a couple seconds before she walks away. Harry looks over at us, and shakes his head, telling us that he wont be joining him. I frown, before walking over to him.

"Do you want me to stay with you? I can always go another time." I offer, not liking him being sad.

But he shakes his head, "No, no. You go have fun. No point in both of us missing out." he tells me.

"Okay... But I'm bring you back something." I tell him giving him a small smile, one he returns.  I turn back and walk over to Ron and Hermione who wave at Harry. And we walk out of the castle, making our way to Hogsmeade.

The trip went by very fast, I had bought candy from Honeydukes, some to give to Harry. The twins had dragged me away to go to Zonko's to look over the prank stuff for their 'future pranks', I didn't want to buy anything. We arrived back to the Castle after I found Ron and Hermione again. I sat with them at the Gryffindor table with Harry.

I give him the candy, while Hermione began to describe what she looked at in Hogsmeade. "And the post office! It's about 200 owls, all sitting on color coded shelves, depending on how fast you want your letter to go!" She describes.

"And Honeydukes is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees -- and blood-flavored lollipops for Halloween!" Ron adds on, pointing out the candy I had given that were in front of Harry.

Harry nods, picking through the candy. "But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don't you think, Ron? Hermione? " I say, noticing Harry being quiet and not really happy hearing these stories.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on. I almost forgot. I got you something wicked at Dervish and Banges. It's a Pocket Sneakoscope." Ron says, placing a small glass spinning top in front of Harry, "If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it's rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can't
hurt, given that." Ron explains.

"Sirius Black's trying to kill me." Harry looks up, grinning at us. "I'm glad you had a good time. Really. And thanks for this. Rubbish or not, you're right. It can't hurt." he says, then grabs a pepper imp and pops it into his mouth.

"Oh, careful of those, they'll make your..." Ron tries to warn, but it's to late as smoke comes out of Harry's ears and nose. "Never mind."

1749 words!

Hope you enjoyed the class with Lupin!

And her fear..




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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