For The Record

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Good Evening,
Some notes before reading. I highly advise you skim through

** This is a draft-ish.

** Things might change later, though likely not drastically.

** These concepts are entirely my own- if anyone has already thought of such- I know nothing of it.

** What's contained within each of these "chapters" are rather- intensive- topics. So please understand that there's a possible trigger in any of what's written.

** Types of triggers will be listed in the first "part" of the story as you see here in this intro.

** If I find it necessary, I'll list the "triggering" scene prior to its page for a double warning. If, of course, needed... we'll see.

** Obviously anything written is not a direct reflection of me or my beliefs, but I believe all forms of creation, artistic, musical, written, etc- are heavily influenced by the person themselves and how they see the world... so maybe a little bit was inspired by my own life. Not like you'll know which parts.

** I'm not a doctor, psychiatrist, astronaut, economist, biochemistry, religious figure or whatever- so I'm not *FULLY* educated in anything that I write. But educated enough where I want to write about it.

** Feel free to civilly dispute any inaccuracies, it may help with my writing.

** If anyone has thought of such after the creation of this document, it's none of my business as long as it's still vastly unique to mine.

**If you suspect anyone's copied me or that I may have copied someone- feel free to DM me.

** If anything I have written inspires you or speaks to you, please, please do let me know.

Good chat,
~ End.Game.

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