Haechan and Mabel
Relationship: Romantic

Hyuck loves to hug Mabel and Mabel loves to hug him back. Haechan loves to help her out, and Mabel loves it when he does. She thinks he's very considerate and caring, and he can be quite funny at times too. She loves his personality and his way of thinking, even if he can be a bit crazy sometimes. They kiss each other's cheeks all the time, and Haechan often 'tucks' her into bed and kisses her forehead before saying goodnight to her. They always say 'I love you' to each other, if they mean it or not. But they definitely have some sort of feelings towards each other's. Belle is very considerate of him being a bit sensitive and knows not to push the boundaries. Mabel's favourite moment with Haechan was a prank they pulled on the rest of the NCT members. Although it went a bit wrong, they had a lot of fun doing it.

 Although it went a bit wrong, they had a lot of fun doing it

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Jaemin and Mabel
Relationship: Siblings

He's quite similar to Jeno, just less protective. He always knows how to cheer her up, and make her feel worthy by buying her ice cream or iced coffee. They never tease each other, they really care for one another like siblings should (things like checking if the other is okay, talking to them, helping them etc). Belle's favourite moment with Jaemin was after an NCT Dream concert one night, where she fell asleep on someone in the car and woke up to Jaemin softly playing with her hair and gazing down at her, smiling. She loves the precious moments that she gets with the boys, ones like this one.

 She loves the precious moments that she gets with the boys, ones like this one

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Yangyang and Mabel
(Mang mang)
Relationship: Close Friends

These two are closer in age than Hendery and Xiaojun are to Mabel, so they get along slightly better. It's fun when they're together because each of them can communicate in 3+ languages if they wanted to, English, Korean, German and Belle's broken Chinese. Their time together mostly consists of him teaching her to cook because she's absolutely hopeless. Her favourite moment with Yang was when she successfully made a Chinese dish without burning the house down. She thanked Yangyang and squeezed him in the tightest hug ever.

 She thanked Yangyang and squeezed him in the tightest hug ever

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Chenle and Mabel
Relationship: Siblings

Non-stop teasing. He pokes her, she pokes back. It always ends in a fight, if it's playful or serious, but Mabel will eventually get tired of Chenle annoying her and shout, which was kind of rare for her. But they love and care for each other nonetheless. Her favourite moment with Chenle was during the SM Halloween party when he dressed up as Pennywise and she dressed up as Georgie, them going as a couple costume. Their idea to go as a 'couple' costume was adored by some of the older SM artists and even people in their own group. She loved that day.

Jisung and Mabel(Maisung)Relationship: Mother-son

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Jisung and Mabel
Relationship: Mother-son

Belle is constantly looking after Jisung, even if he is only a year younger than her. They share the same birthday so in their opinion, that makes them twins. How? No one knows how they think. Belle is always checking on him, and baking him cookies or cupcakes (if she can) and making sure he's eating enough and drinking enough water. He's her baby. She treats him like one, and he doesn't even care. Belle's favourite moment with Jisung was during a fan signing for Dream and she asked if he had drunk any of his water, to which he replied with "No." At the end of the signing, she made sure that all his water was gone, and was happy to see it was. On the way home, he thanked her for always looking after him. Mabel's heart swelled.

𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 | NCT's 24th Member ☆Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα