I Have a Strong Urge to Fly

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I have a strong urge to fly

But I have nowhere to fly to

The walls become ever closer

Ever colder

As the warmth escapes me outside

From yonder shores I see the inmates

They crumble


Beneath their pride

But in their place, I suffer not


In fact, I thrive

The beasts that hold them captive

Broke their world like glass

But in my world these demons

Have yet to make a crack

These birds are used to freedom

Without which they cannot last

But unlike them

I have lost nothing

Not a scratch

One day, they'll fly away

And I'll reach out to join them

But alas

While they have a flock to return to

I'll be left to pass

And so when the time has come

For liberty to return

The truth would have never been more clear

That I never had a part

And now with heavy heart I see

As I long for something more

I was never made a prisoner

Other than that of my own inquisitor

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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