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Y/n:i wanna go see Vic
Mattia:ok we can go right know
*at Roberts house*
Robert:what do you guys want
Mattia:is Vic home
Vic:oh hey Mattia what's up
Mattia:so y/n is back in town and she is right here
Vic:omg y/n I missed you
Y/n:i missed you too
Vallyk:hey babe I gotta go see you tomorrow
Vic:ya sure thing
Y/n:so I see you are dating vallyk
Vic:oh ya I am sorry after you left my parents ended up moving and I lost contact with everyone since I moved schools
Y/n:no it's fine just wanted to stop by say hi
Vic:wait can I ask what are doing here
Y/n:i graduated early and so I am here for college
Vic:oh shit college
Y/n:ya i am actually here with Katie
Vic:that's nice
Y/n:ya well I gtg I have to take my bags to the college
Vic:oh well bye
*in the car*
Mattia:so how did It go
Y/n:i dont know is it bad I wanna drop her
Katie:no not at all if she is dating someone who did hurt you then it would be something to consider but head up we are going to leave our shit at college and stay there and you can't be more excited
Mattia:do you have a car
Y/n:i do it's actually at the college already
Alejandro:well we almost there
Y/n:ya i guess we are
*skip to the there*
Counselor:you guys must be y/n and Katie from Florida right
Y/n:yes i am y/n
Katie:and I am Katie
Counselor:and who are they
Y/n:i used to live here and that one right there is my step brother and these are his friends and this one is my bf they just came here to drop us off
Counselor:ok well if you guys want they can come along with the tour see if they end up choosing to come here
Kairi:i actually have this as my college to come too
Counselor:I see well let me give you guys the tour then you girls can settle in
*after the tour*
Alejandro:well I guess we gotta go we have school tomorrow
Y/n:i guess so well love you
Alejandro:love you too bbg and I might come to this college
Y/n:this has been my dream for a very long time
Kairi:same here soccer out here is really good
Katie:dance over here is good also I am signing up
Y/n:same and also soccer
Alejandro:ooo soccer girl I see
Mattia:thought we knew she was a soccer girl
Roshuan:ya she mad varsity while she was here
Y/n:yep i did

Stepbrother friends/Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now