Girls first soccer game part 2

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*at the rival school*
Y/n:shit it's big here
Kendal:ya I know I used to go here freshman year when mike was a sophomore he is a senior and I am junior as you guys and when I was here mike would always be rough in soccer but as soon as I left all my friends went against me and look there they are
Nancy:oh look if it isn't Kendal the trader good luck as I see you guys have new soccer players
Kendal:ya we do and looks like you guys still have the same girls hope you know y/n is good at soccer so get ready out there
Nancy:i have been ready to beat you guys
Mike:ladies stop fighting oh hey y/n where is that bf of yours
Y/n:oh he is actually on his way so watch your back for what you caused my guy
Mike:oh what is he going to do fight me
Y/n:we will see
*after the game y/n team won*
Nancy:girl you got skills
Y/n:thank you i know
Nancy:oh looks it's your boy toy alejandro
Alejandro:good job bbg but I let me go solve some issues I got with mike
Alejandro:so i hear you were the one who kissed my girl do you not remember what I did to you last time you messed with me and my boys
Mike:ya I did but I know damn well your little group won't fight me again
Mattia:oh watch us you messed with us again your little pussy ass didn't even win last week at that game we beat you guys
Mike:oh but it was the first time you guys ever won us especially since we had your best player Alejandro freshman and sophomore year Half of that season
Kairi:ya you guys had Alejandro but know we have him so come on fight us here right know don't be a pussy we told you last time to not mess with us and you kept doing it
*they  start to fight*
Nancy:y/n get your man off of mike
Y/n:mattia,kairi,Alejandro stop right know before you guys get in trouble and get kicked off the team
Alejandro:Mike you are lucky we dont fuck you up we ain't tryna get kicked off the team
Mike:nah y'all just pussys
Y/n:he ain't not pussy but I ain't either (slaps him across the face)
Nancy:oh you are over little bitch
Y/n:try me i ain't scared of you but maybe it will be for next time I see you peace out bitches good game

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