🥀Sara Chidouin x Joe Tazuna🥀

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(This is a songfic for Cancer by My Chemical Romance, also it's sad, so good luck.)
(oh and it's basically a rewrite of Joe's death)

"Turn away..."

They... they voted for Kai... that means I... no, no I can't it can't I... I don't wanna die...

Joe's thoughts ran through his head at a horrid pace, with the feeling that time was moving slower as he watched the 9 others around him.

"If you could get me a drink of water cause my lips are chapped and faded.."

The room spun as he felt his face grow pale. He tried to shut his eyes to get rid of it all, but his body wouldn't move... he just stood there, staring at the group of people. He didn't want to have to see the sadness on their faces, but in a surge of instinct he looked over to someone.

"Call my aunt Marie, help her gather all my things.."


He couldn't bear to see the look on her face. She looked as if she'd just been shot, silent tears streaming down her face as heavy, uneven breaths were the only noise that came out of her.

"S-Sara..." he tried to speak, but his breath hitched in his throat as he looked at her.

"And bury me in all my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers, still.."

He heard the high, shrill voice of Miley, but he barely processed what she was saying before he heard Sara scream in protest.

"No! Y-you can't do this! You can't just- y-you can't...!"

"Sara..." he said quietly, but it was enough for her to turn and look at him, pain in her eyes.

"I will not kiss you..."

"Sara... it's alright." he flashed a forced smile, acting like it was okay. "I believe in ya Sara..." He reaches a hand towards Sara, who eagerly grabbed it and fell into his shoulder, sobbing.

"Joe... please... please don't leave me..." she barely choked out the words through unsteady sobs, speaking quietly.

"Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you."

Before he could adjust to Miley's voice screeching again, Sara was thrown away from him.

"Wait, Joe-!" she yelled as loud as her body let her.

Then, his smile fell as a sharp pain seeped through him.



And again...

He fell to his knees, trembling from shock. He looked down, not wanting Sara to see his face.

"J-Joe! P-Please, h-hold on!"

And he was trying.

That's all he could do.

"Now turn away, cause I'm awful just to see.."

He saw Miley saying something to Sara, quickly handing a small clicker to her trembling hands.

He felt the creatures around him convulse, though nothing really changed.

Blood still seeped out of him, staining his body a crimson red.

"Cause all my hair's abandoned all my body, all my agony.."

Pain reached through him with an ache of agony and comforting numbness...


I won't... give in...

Sara... I said...

"S-Sara..." he reached his voice as far out as he could, hoping to get to her.

He saw as the girl looked at him, as she was on the ground, sobbing and shaking.

"Know that I will never marry, baby I'm just soggy from the chemo, but counting down the days to go.."

There's not much time.

He knew that.

"Sara, I..." he could barely feel the words leave his mouth, his head was foggy and numb. "I love ya, Sara... I r-really do... don't you ever forget that..." With that, he felt the last bit of his sensibility straining to hold on.

"I-I love you too, Joe!" Her face was stained with tears, though Joe could barely see it through clouded vision.

"This just ain't living, and I just hope you know.."

Miley seemed pleased as she held Sara back from rushing towards Joe, even as she was on her knees crying.

Joe felt his arms go limp. They fell from their grip on the creatures, which he didn't even notice he was ever holding, but he knew it was from his sheer desperation.

The absent minded sound of clicking faded from the noise, leaving only heavy breaths and sobs.

"That if you say goodbye today, I'll ask you to be true.."

Sara rushed towards the fading Joe as Miley stepped back.

"Joe..." Sara wiped her tears, trying to let her eyes adjust to what might be the last sight of him.

"Let m-me go, S-Sara," he put on one last smile. "It'll b-be okay..."

"Joe I-" She reached a hand towards his face. "I can't..."

The silence ripped through them as Joe's empty eyes looked up at Sara.

"I believe in you, Sara... I love you..."

His vision went black as he fell to the ground, and Sara's sobs began again.

The last bit of his consciousness had faded, leaving nothing but his lifeless self.

"Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you..."

Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you...

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