Chapter 45

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Avu's POV

After the whole faisal and jannat thing we went to classes as usual and right now i was waiting for bandar in the parking lot but he was taking too much time and i was already tired and frustrated with classes. Finally after 15 minutes he came

Sidd: let's go

i didn't answer him as i was mad at him and i just sat on the bike and he started driving

Sidd: i'm sorry for making you wait

Avu: it's fine

and the rest of the way we didn't talk at all but i could tell that something was bothering him and soon we reached my house

Avu: i'm not mad at you and i know something is bothering you so if you need someone to talk to just call me...byee (i said as i hugged him)

he hugged me tighter than usual

Sidd: thanks

then he left and i went inside

Reem: what took you so long

Avu: nothing bandar had some work

Reem: oh okay also what are we going to do for dinner?

Avu: i don't think i am going to have dinner...i don't feel well

she rushed over to me and put her hand on my head

Reem: are you sure?

i nodded

Avu: i am going to go lay down for a while

i was feeling dizzy so i slowly walked to my room and lay down and i was feeling cold so i put on like two to three blankets and fell asleep. After a while jaan came into the room

Reem: avi at least drink this soup

Avu: i feel like i'm going to vomit

Reem: just a little bit avi....then you can take medicine

Avu: fine but only a little bit

i sat up a little and reem fed me the whole bowl and then gave me medicine

Reem: okay now take rest

and she was about to leave the room

Avu: jaan

she turned around

Avu: thanks (i said with a smile)

Reem: shut up now sleep (she said with laugh)

she closed the door and i fell asleep again. Around midnight my phone started ringing i rubbed my eyes and checked the time it was 2 am. I picked up the phone without checking who it was and a shaky voice came from the other side

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