iv. | four

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          THE MATCH WAS WON BY IRELAND, causing the Irish to go wild. Fred and George sang the whole way back, Fred putting me on his shoulders halfway back to the tent. We parted ways with Poppy, Stella, Tommy, Scott, Cederic, and Amos, planning to meet them all back here for a celebration meal.

          Around an hour later, the Irish jig was still playing outside, causing everyone in our tent to happily sing and dance along. Harry and Ron were still upset that Bulgaria didn't win and were chanting 'Krum! Krum! Krum!' trying to overpower Fred and George singing an Irish tune. Fred draped the Irish flag over my back, forcing me to join in with their dancing.

          "There's no one like Krum!" Ron told the twins, standing up on the raised platform where the dinner table was. Fred and George began saying Krum's name in an almost caveman kind of way. "He's like a bird the way he flies the wind!" Fred and George then started to pretend to fly, causing Harry and me to laugh at the scene before us. "He's more than an athlete! He's an artist!"

           "I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny joined in with the teasing.

          "Viktor, I love you!" George sang, loudly. "Viktor, I do!" Fred joined in.

          The rest of the tent joined in with the rest. "Whether we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" We belted out the chant before a loud screaming and crashing sounded from outside. "Wahey!" Fred spoke up. "Sounds like the Irish has got their pride on!"

          Ron and George proceeded to have the pillow fight in the middle of the tent until Mr Weasley broke it up. "Stop! Stop it!" He pulled George away from Ron, worry in his eye. "It's not the Irish," he told Fred, putting his hand on his arm. He moved over to Ginny, pulling him close to her. "We've got to get out of here, now!"

          We left the tent and all I saw was chaos and anarchy. The once bright and spritely atmosphere had turned into one of danger. Explosions, crashing and screaming sounded all around us. Tents were being set on fire and my first thought was that the Bulgarians were taking the loss a little too hard. Oh, how wrong I had been.

          "Get back to the portkey, everybody, and stick together!" Mr Weasley ordered us. "Fred, George, you take Ginny and Tasmin. Do not let them out of your sight!"

          Fred took my hand while George took Ginny's. We ran through the chaos but all I could worry about was everyone else but myself. My Aunt and Uncle were there. Stella, Tommy, and Poppy. Cederic, Scott, and Amos. Families. But most importantly, Draco.

          My mind was a blur until we made it back to the Portkey. "We need to wait for Dad and everyone else," George said when we arrived there. After a while, everyone had made it back. Everyone except Harry.

          We had no choice but to go look for him. Hermione, Ron, and I all traded looks before running back into the chaos. We didn't have time to discuss it and Mr Weasley was bound to tell us to stay put. We couldn't risk it. We ignored all yells from Mr Weasley as we ran back over to the tents.

          As the more people fled, the easier it was to look for him. After around half an hour, everything was silent. We were yelling out his name, hoping to hear something from him. My eyes landed on him and I pointed at him. "Over there!"

          Ron let out a sigh of relief as we reached him, realising he was unharmed. "We've been looking for you for ages!" He told him, relief lacing his words. "We thought we'd lost you, mate."

          I saw a bright light in the sky so I looked over to it and my heart sunk in my chest. "What is that?" Harry questioned as the Mark moved across the sky. His Mark. The Dark Mark. Harry let out a gasp in pain, clutching his head, where his scar is.

          In the blink of an eye, wizards apparated from all around us, yelling 'Stupefy'. We all, quickly, ducked before we could hear Mr Weasley yelling. "Stop! That's my son!" He yelled at them. He ran over to us helping us all up. "Kids," he let out, obvious worry in his voice. "Are you all alright?"

          Ron told his Dad that we came back for Harry and one of the wizards pulled out his wand at us, pointing it in our faces. "Which of you conjured it?" He interrogated, referring to the Dark Mark in the sky.

          "Crouch, you can't possibly-" Mr Weasley interrupted before being cut off by the man.

          "Do not lie!" He yelled at us, almost ignoring Mr Weasley. "You have been discovered at the scene of a crime!"

          "Crime?" Harry repeated, completely unaware of what is actually happening.

          "Barty, they're just kids," Mr Weasley tried to convince him.

          "What crime?" Harry asked, looking to me.

          "It's the Dark Mark, Harry," I explained, in a whisper, that being all I could get out. "It's his Mark."

          Harry put everything together and his eyes widened larger than saucers. "Voldemort?" He unflinchingly said his name, which made me very uncomfortable to hear it. "Those people tonight in the masks - they're his too, aren't they? His followers." He asked, turning to Mr Weasley.

          I hadn't caught a glimpse of said people but instantaneously I knew he was talking about the Death Eaters. Mr Weasley nodded his head, keeping Ron close to him. "Death Eaters," he said, turning to the man he called Crouch.

          He looked around, finally lowering his wand from our faces. "Follow me."

          "Erm, there was a man," Harry told him, stepping forward as Crouch turned to walk away. "Before. There."

          Crouch turned to the direction that Harry was referring to and turned to the rest of the wizards, I presumed to be from the Ministry. "All of you, this way!"

          Mr Weasley stepped forward, beside Harry and put his hand on his shoulder. "A man, Harry?" He questioned, wanting Harry to go into more detail. "Who?"

          Harry turned around to walk back to Ron, Hermione, and me, looking a bit confused, himself. "I don't know," he told Arthur, shaking his head. "I didn't see his face."

          We all fell in silence as we all looked up at the sky, watching the Dark Mark dance above us. I wanted to cry so badly. This is the worst incident that has happened since I left Beauxbatons, if not since He killed my parents. I fought back the urge to cry and focussed on one thing.

          I knew it wouldn't be long until he came back to power, it was only a matter of time. I wasn't going to run or hide. I was going to fight. That is the promise I made to myself that day. I would fight him and all his stupid Death Eaters. And I couldn't care less who it was.

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