iii. | three

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          WITH HOW BUSY AND CROWDED THE whole World Cup was, I completely forgot that Poppy would be there as well. That was until she arrived at our tent with her Dad and two guests standing behind them. As I got closer, I saw Tommy and Stella standing there. "Oh my God!" I squealed in excitement, not expecting them to be there.

          We all had a quick group hug and Stella explained how Poppy's Mum couldn't come due to work so they managed to get her ticket, instead. Tommy's parents managed to get him and his older brother, Scott, a ticket as well. Before we left for the match, Poppy, Stella, Tommy, and I sat on camp chairs, outside the tent, keeping warm beside a fire.

          Stella told us all about her summer and how they went to Spain on holiday. Tommy and his family didn't really get up to much in the summer and he said it was pretty boring as he didn't really do anything, excluding meeting up with us a couple of times.

          All of us fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the crackling of the fire in front of us. It reminded me of being back in the Common Room at school, which I was incredibly excited to go back to. "So, Tasmin," Stella started, Poppy leaning in closer towards me. "How are things with you and Malfoy?"

          I paused for a moment in thought. I wasn't even sure, myself. "I mean, we've sent each other Owls over the summer," I explained, a bit uneasy on the topic. "But I haven't seen him at all. I sort of miss him but at the same time I'm really nervous to see him."

          Poppy nodded her head and Tommy didn't seem interested in the slightest so stood up to go inside my tent, presumably to find Harry and Ron. "He's going to be here, isn't he?" Poppy questioned me, furrowing her brows. "With his father working so closely with the Minister."

          I nodded my head at her and let out a small sigh. "He's in the Minister's box..." I trailed off, finally figuring something out. "Oh my God," I said in almost a whisper. Poppy and Stella looked at me very confused. "My Aunt and Uncle are in that box," I told them, starting to feel sick. "They offered me to come with them but I said no."

          Stella shook her head at me. "They don't know about you and Malfoy, do they?" She questioned me, to which I just nodded my head. She stifled a laugh, covering her mouth. "Oh God, that's going to be awkward," she pointed out.

          It wasn't long before we were heading up to the pitch, with flags and face paint, and we'd met up with Cedric, Amos, and Scott. Tommy, Scott, and Cederic were a bit ahead of everyone but eventually waited up for Stella, Poppy, and me. Scott had a very amusing look in his eyes and Tommy was kind of nudging him, slightly.

          When we finally reached the boys, us three girls were beyond confused. "Tasmin," Scott spoke up, Tommy telling him to knock it off. "Is it true that you're Draco Malfoy's girlfriend?" He asked me and I furrowed my brows at him.

          I turned to Stella, not knowing how to answer that question. I wasn't but I didn't want to say no and make it out like there's nothing going on between us. "It's... complicated," I concluded with, feeling Harry and Ron's eyes on me.

          Ron had no self-control on this matter and shook his head at me. "I, honestly, don't get what you see in him, Tasmin," he told me, continuing to shake his head. "Like what does he have that makes him so appealing to you? He's a bully."

          I could feel myself getting angry at him but I didn't want to cause a scene in front of people I barely knew so I just kept quiet. "He's all mysterious," George interrupted, nudging me and sending me flying due to the height difference. He managed to grab my hand just in time to stop me from falling.

after dusk - draco malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें