Lost and Found

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They used the 10th Doctor's tardis to travel to the future Doctor's last known coordinates. The second they stepped outside they saw it, it was the Doctor's TARDIS. The two royal blue boxes were almost completely identical. They ran into the Tardis expecting to find the Doctor only to realise very quickly that something was wrong, she was nowhere to be seen, the Doctor wasn't there. The noise from a blaring alarm filled the room, red flashing lights reflected off the console. The 10th Doctor ran over to the console and looked at the screen before eventually stopping the alarm, the Doctor looked up with concern in his eyes. He had frozen, trying to work out what had happened before saying "The Judoon have captured my future self, they must have transported into the Tardis but what I don't get is how? Hardly anything can get in the tardis." He looked at his future companions' troubled faces, he could tell they really cared for him or at least his future self. "Wait, the judoon isn't that those rhino aliens that took Ruth?" Questioned Ryan, who was deep in thought. "Because the Doctor said that Ruth was her so maybe they're going after a different version of her now!" Yaz exclaimed, "I mean it would make sense, we need to go find her!" Then the 10th Doctor asked in a perplexed voice "Wait, who's Ruth?" They had a lot of explaining to do. . .

The Timeless Child - Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें