Let It Out. (Regina George x Fem!Reader)

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Requested by Cool_in_college

I rush into the girls bathroom, then go into a corner, and sink down the wall.

I buried my face into my hands, trying to quiet my crying. My parents recently got divorced and honestly, I can't stop crying.

It's so hard not to! I keep feeling as if the divorce was my fault, like I caused it.

What other reason would they divorce? They seemed happy, why suddenly divorce?

I shake my head, tears seemed to stream endlessly down my face.

I suddenly hear clicking heels coming my direction, I tense up. My first thought was, Regina George! She's so going to ruin me for this!

Whoever they were, entered the bathroom.

I went further into the corner, holding my breath. I hesitatly look up slightly and of course — I see the Plastics.

The redhead, which I'm pretty sure is Cady, walks over to me. "You ok..? You've been crying."

I heard Regina scoff, then continued applying lip gloss.

I lowered my head and then nod. "Uhm... yeah I am. Thanks for asking." I mumbled.

Gretchen (I think that's her name? She's a brunette) worriedly looks at me, then walks over to me, then sits down beside me. "Hey — Tell me what's wrong? I won't make fun of you — or tell anyone, I promise."

Trusting her, I sighed, then spilled everything about my parents divorce, how I thought it was my fault, how I seemed to cry endlessly over it.

And Gretchen just listened — nodding every now and then to show she was listening.

"You know —..." Gretchen lowers her voice to a whisper. "Reginas parents are divorced as well, you should talk to her."

"Uhm..." I bite my lip and then shake my head. "No thanks — thanks for offering though."

"Mhmm." Gretchen smiles faintly.

"Gretchen." Regina huffs then turns to face her. "Lets go."

Gretchen nods, her eyes slightly wide. "Bye, Y/N. I hope you feel better." She stands up, then waves at me.

"Thank you..." I smiled faintly at her.

Regina rolls her eyes a bit, then looks at me for a second, then walks out of the bathroom with the other Plastics.

The rest of the school day went by in a blur, and it was finally the end of the day, which I was in history class.

Somebody knocks on the door, then a certain blonde enters the classroom. "Ms.Norbury? Mr.Anderson needs to see Y/N for a sec." she flips her hair, then hands Ms.Norbury the note.

She exams the note then nods. "Ok — hurry up you two, get where your going."

I faintly nod and then stand up, making my way to the front of the classroom. Regina and I then exit.

We were both walking for a bit, when suddenly, Regina spoke up. "You're Y/N, right?"

I was slightly surprised that she knew my name. Wait, she probably knew because of the note. I nod, then looked at her.

"Coolness. I'm Regina as you know. Oh — and there's no note, by the way. Cady forged it." Regina smirks slightly.

"I — what? Aren't we gonna get in trouble?" I worriedly say.

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