That's How Regina George Died (Cadgina)

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Requested by Bella_08xx

Regina and Cady. The two where inseparable a bit after Cady helped cheer Regina up after that dress wouldn't fit her.

You see, Cady has been sabotaging Regina with these kalteen bars that make her gain weight. And Cady feels terrible about it..

But she's too scared to stop, to scared of what Janis might say, too scared of what Regina would say, scared that Regina would hate her... it would hurt her so, so much. You might as well feed her to the lions!

Anyways, the blonde and redhead were currently at Reginas house — err.. mansion. Cuddling in her bedroom.

"Hey, Regina?" Cady looks up at her, her brown eyes slightly wide.

"Hmm?" Regina tilts her head, stroking Cady's hair.

"I love you." Cady scrunches up her nose, smiling cutely up at the blonde.

Regina internally 'awhs' at her. Shit, Cady had made her soft. "I love you too, Red."

"Don't call me thatttt!" Cady squeals, flushing bright pink.

"Awwh, why? I think it's cute — and your reaction is cute as well." Regina smirks faintly at the redhead.

This only made Cady blush brighter. "S-shut up!"

"Make me." Regina teases, smirking more.

"I —..." Cady bites her lip, then groans.

"That's what I thought." Regina smirks triumphantly.

Cady huffs, then buries herself into Reginas chest.

Regina giggles then starts running her fingers through Cady's hair, humming 'A Thousand Years'.

Cady flutters her eyes shut, nuzzling further into Regina before falling asleep.

Regina gently kisses Cady's hair. "I have loved you for a thousand years... I'll love you for a thousand more."

And with that, Regina drifted asleep, holding onto Cady protectively

"We should probably get to lunch, Gina." Cady looks at the blonde, smiling sweetly at her.

"Oh, yeah." Regina awkwardly chuckles then nods.

"You and Regina are dating?"

Cady and Regina look towards the voice. Janis.

"Oh uh — yeah." Cady shyly nods.

"Mhmm. Got a problem with that?" Regina huffs, glaring at her.

"No — Cady, should we stop sabotaging her?"

Cady tenses up, looking at Janis with wide eyes.

"...What?" Regina turns her gaze towards Cady.

"U-uhmm... n-nothing." The redhead stuttered, lowering her gaze.

"Cady. Tell me." Reginas voice was.. cold. And it honestly hurt Cady.

Cady took a deep breath, she might as well tell Regina now, hopefully she'll understand, hopefully she'll still love me, hopefully nothing bad will happen. "You know those kalteen bars?" Her voice was shaky, she felt as if she was about to cry from guilt.

"Mhmmm." Regina nods, crossing her arms.

"T-they m-make you gain weight..." Cady whispered, shutting her eyes tightly.

"What?" Regina blinks a few times, not believing this. Cady loved her, right..?

"Y-you heard me..." Cady releases a shaky breath.

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