Chapter 40 Gotham City Police Department

Start from the beginning

"Very well. First, do you want anything? Coffee, soda?"

She shook her head. "No thanks."


The teen in front of him isn't well rested and Jim knows it. He can see it by now.

Been too many years on the job not too.

Her hands are wrapped from the previous day. "Thank you for agreeing to come here. How are your hands?"

She shrugged. "It's no problem. And my hands are okay, just a bit sore and it stings when i wash them."

He nodded. "I can understand that.  Can you tell me what happened?"

She nodded slowly. "Sure. Do you want details?"

"If you feel that you can give them."

"Well, I've been staying at the Wayne manor after meeting Riddler, so Alfred drove me to the museum where i was supposed to meet up with my class. Dami had a doctors appointment so he was going to show up later."

"Damian Wayne?"

She nodded and continued. "Well, we meet up with him in the rogues part of the museum and talked. I heard someone behind me and turned my head when I got sprayed in the face."

Interesting. He'd read the reports of Bruce Wayne insisting that they let her stay at the Wayne manor after the less than happy meeting with Riddler.

Although he shouldn't be surprised, Bruce Wayne seems to gravitate towards black haired teens with blue eyes. Instead of a serial killer he's a serial adopter.

And Damian Wayne liked her. The kid usually acted like he'd had nails for breakfast. "Do you remember waking up?"

She didn't look too sure as she thought about it. "Damian stabbed a syringe with the antidote in my leg and I don't know. I wasn't exactly feeling well."

"That's understandable. How are you feeling now?" He wrote a note on the paper in front of him.

She hesitated. "Good I guess. I've felt worse."

That caught his attention and he saw her tiny wince after she realized what she said.

"Could you elaborate on that?" He asked.

She breaths in through her nose, letting a fake calm seep through her body and into her eyes.

It's something Jim has only seen the Wayne's do. And it makes him wonder where and why Marinette has learned.

"First i gotta give you a brief explanation of what's been going on in Paris." She pulled out her phone and pulled something up on it before handing it too him.

Jim raised an eyebrow but took it nonetheless.

"You can start the video."

He did and his eyes widened.

All of Paris was filled with water, up to the rooftops were humans were seeking shelter.

And in the water he could see blurred out bodies.

"Considering that you have Batman, who is friends with Superman and Wonder Woman i hope you can listen with an open mind.

Paris has its own villain that can create monsters with different powers out of civilians. That particular one was named Syren, a teen that was hurt because the boy she liked didn't understand that she liked him. Only about twenty percent of Paris survived."

Jim took a deep breath as he digested the information. After a few minutes of trying to understand why this isn't something the outside world knows about, he gave her phone back. "But that would be- how can't we outside Paris know about this?"

She put her phone away, fiddling with her bandages afterwards. "Because Paris has its own heroes. One of them has the power to restore stuff, and people that die or get destroyed during the attacks."

She sighed. "Syren was one of the worst. I was trapped in the water before i got up on the roof. It's ridiculous, like, i didn't die but..."

Trauma. Jesus crisht the trauma these kids had gone through....

Jim felt sick.

"Still don't want a soda?"

She shook her head. "I'd like one if it's okay."

Jim went to the mini fridge in the shelf on the other side of the room. "I only have cola, is that okay?"

She nodded, opening it once he gave it to her and sipping on it slowly.

"I'm going to be honest. I asked to talk to you because you've been directly involved in two appearances of Gothams worst rogues. And i was worried you might be a target."

Something in her eyes cleared up fast and he knew he had all her attention, previously she'd been keeping a discrete eye on both door and window.

"But getting to know this. What you went through with this Syren was traumatic. That would screw with anyone's head and the fact that you didn't die doesn't make it less of a trauma." He looked her in the eyes trying to see if what he's saying is getting through.

"I'm going to look through what's going on on the streets, just try to stay safe. I'll inform mr Wayne if i find something. In the meantime you should think about seeing a therapist either while here or once you get home."

She nodded. "Okay. I'll try."

He smiled, a soft disarming one. Once uses with kids he meets. "Here." He handed her a card. "If you need help with anything or just need to talk, I'm willing to help."

She took the card, putting it in her pocket. "Thanks."

Once she leaves he sighs and rubs his temples, the urge to visit his daughter growing. See how she's doing.

This is so long. I think its the longest chapter I've ever written. Almost 2500 words. It's so cool!

How do you think my portrayal of Jim Gordon is? I'm quite happy with it.

He sees the similarities between the Waynes and Marinette.

Also, can you guess which brother helped our little Nettie when she had a nightmare?

Vote and comment, it keeps me motivated :)

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