Ulquiorra v.s. Psycho Erza

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"All of you.. all of your flesh.. IS MINE." the psychotic Erza screamed.. blood streaming from her eyes like tears. "ALL OF IT!!! BECAUSE ALL OF THEM ARE DEAD!!!"

"E-Erza!? What's happened to her!?" Natsu exclaiimed in horror.

"She's been recreated into what would have been had this apocalyptic world truly come to pass." said Ulquiorra. "It is not surprising.. a world such as this.. where nothing but death and decay exist, it is to be expected that many of the people you know will have either been recreated as dead or insane like her.."

"BLOOOD!!!!" Erza screamed, launching herself at Natsu.

Natsu should have defended himself.. but he was frozen.. not with fear.. but with confusion. This was Erza.. his friend... his comrade.. how could he even seek to hurt her?"

Before the rusty bloody blade could cleave Natsu's head in two.. Ulquiorra flashed up in front of Natsu and drew his blade quickly, blocking Erza's attack in a rain of grinding sparks.

"Oooohhh!!!" Erza leapt back, staggering around like a dizzy circus freak with a bloodthirsty smile as she licked blood off her cheeks. "Emo guy!! Hehehehe...your blood is mine!!!"

Erza dashed forward again, random magic power exploding from her body at random intervals as she went into complete beserker mode, slicing and dicing her blade at tremendous speed.

Ulquiorra remained cold and emotionless, swinging his blade skillfully with one hand, parrying many of Erza's strikes and sidestepping the ones that made it through..

Ulquiorra then moved forward and began taking his strikes more offensively, hitting Erza with greater and greater force as he manuevered his blade with more cunning prowess..

However, Erza was unpredictable in her madness, jumping around and parrying Ulquiorra's blows with crazy wild movements, swinging her blade in large  quick psycho movements, like skill no longer mattered.

"Come on!!! You want flesh!!? Well ya can't have it!! It's mine!! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!" Erza screamed. "I'm gonna take yours instead!! CAUSE IT'S MINE!!!"

Ulquiorra did not respond, he merely continued to mercilessly attack, he flashed out of view for a minute, reappearing behind Erza and pointin his finger at her back. "Cero..."

Erza whirled around and sliced her sword through massive blast of green spiritual energy that exploded from Ulquiorra's finger, laughing crazily as she suddenly lashed her rusty blade in a tremendous uppercut through Ulquiorra's torso.

Ulquiorra's coat tore as a bloody gash appeared across his chest. His eyes widened slightly. "So you managed to get through my hierro... truly Madness can make one a danger beyond reason."

"PEEKABOO!!!" Erza jumped into the air and twirled, slicing her blade in more massive, wild unpredictable movements.

Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes and flashed out of the way.. he then began using his incredibly skillful Sonido to flash in and out of view around Erza, his blade moving like quick rippling water.

Erza blocked and dodged every one of the blows, looking like a crazed teetering dancer as she did.

"Heeheeheehee.. fleshy is moving too fast.." Erza whispered.

Suddenly, time seemed to freeze up as Ulquiorra flashed in close, ducking a swing from Erza's worn out sword, preparing to deal a deadly uppercut that would cleave the mighty mage in half.. but before he could do so.. Natsu came in between the two of them, his powerful Flame Gauntletts active. He parried both blades with his flaming arms.

"NOOO!!" Natsu roared as both Erza and Ulquiorra leapt back. "YOU CAN'T KILL ERZA!!"

Ulquiorra shook his head. "Natsu Dragneel.. that woman is no longer the Erza you know.."

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