Sana makes a decision

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    Sana sits there for many hours she didn't even realise that Sid was sitting on the other side and watching her. Her body was aching with pain as she was sitting there for so long. She wanted to get up but her mind was not paying attention to her body.
    Rashmi saw her sitting for longer then it was possible for Sana to sit in one place. She had sensed the tension between them and understood this was not their normal fight. She also saw Sid sitting on the other side looking at her with a pained expression. She went to Sana
Rashmi: Sana tu yaha kyu baitti hai. Kya hua hai??
Sana didn't answer she was just staring in the space with a expressionless face.
Rashmi: Sana mai kuch punch rahi hu.( She shook Sana's hand to bring her to present)
Sana come back with a shudder. She looked at Rashmi for a few seconds, said nothing and then walked towards the bathroom. She didn't even see Sid sitting there. Just walked away. Rashmi came to Sid and asked
Rashmi: Sana ko kya hua hai??
Sid didn't say any thing. He knew Rashmi meant well but he won't say anything. It was too much personal and only between both of them.
Rashmi: Siddharth mai kuch punch rahi hu. Sana ko kabhi bhi aise nhi dekha. This is not good.
Saying this Rashmi left. Sid knew Rashmi was right. This was not good. This fight has taken a very wrong turn and he didn't know how to mend it. There was no one whom he could talk to about this. He realised he had hurt the one and only person whom he could have discussed anything in the world without being judged. 
    He went inside the house to see where Sana was. He didn't wanted to see anything say anything he just wanted his Sana back the way she was. He could have given anything at that moment to get her back. He saw Rashmi coming out of the bathroom. He looked at her. She mouthed "bathroom". He didn't have the courage to face her. He sat on the sofa near the bathroom. Sana was in the bathroom. She wanted to cry, scream, hit, hurt. She wanted to do everything at the same time but her body had no control over her mind. She felt everything frozen around her. She sat there for the longest time ever then decided to go to the bedroom and sleep. She felt this may ease her pain. As she entered the bedroom she saw their bed with two pillows and two blankets shattered on the bed as if waiting for them to come and sleep peacefully in each others arms. She felt like a knife has been stabbed in her heart. All the moments spend here came flashing in front of her eyes as if she was seeing a film. She turned away from the bed. There was an empty bed at the far end of the room. She went and lay down there. As she lay on the bed she made a decision.

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