Freshman Year

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My mom and I just moved to Freeridge from a small town in Nevada when her and my dad split up. I was going to be a freshman in high school. We'd gone to enrollment and then I was shown around.
The next morning mom woke me up,"come on sweetie, it's time to get up."
"Don't wanna," I said.
"Harley, get up now!" Mom yelled.
"I'm up!" I said.
I got out of bed grabbed my clothes and jumped in the shower. When I got out I put on black jean shorts, a gray low cut shirt, black converse, and applied very light makeup. When I walked down stairs my mom smiled.
"You look beautiful, baby."
"Yeah, yeah," I laughed. I grabbed a piece of toast and then left the house.
When I got to school everyone kept staring at me. I knew it was because I was the new girl and I definitely didn't fit in here. Everyone else was of a different race, but a few people.
"You lost, baby?" A group of guys walked over to me.
"Uhm no," I answered.
"You look lost," a tall, dark haired, dark skinned boy said.
"Not lost. New," I said.
"Why don't you let us show you around?"
"I'm good. Thanks though," I went to turn around and walk away, but stopped when he spoke again.
"She'll be the one to get tangled with either a Prophet or several Santos," he laughed.
I went to defend myself when a dark voice spoke behind me,"why don't you leave our name out of your mouth."
I turned around to see a y'all, shaved head, hot as hell Mexican man standing there,"sorry Oscar," the pervious guy said.
They quickly walked away,"you should be careful. Those Senior boys love a good slice of fresh meat, Freshman," he smiled and walked away.
I shook myself out of my trance and walked to home room. When I walked in there was only 1 seat available and it was at a table with 3 girls. One waved me over and I sat down.
"Hey, you must be the new girl. I'm Max," a pretty dark hair Mexican girl smiled.
"Yeah, that's me. I'm Harley," I smiled.
"I'm Leti, I'm a grade above you," the pretty blonde said.
"And I'm Ryan, also a freshman," the light skinned girl smiled.
"Hello," I grinned.
"So were you named after Harley Quinn?" Leti asked.
"The bike,actually," I chuckled.
"Really?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, my dad loves Harley Davidson and he won a bet against my mom, so he got to name me," I laughed.
"My dad rides too," Max chuckled.
"Listen, I don't mean to be so up front, but we all saw Oscar Diaz talking to you and just wanted to warn you about the Santos," Leti said.
"The Who?" I asked.
"The Los Santos. Oscar is involved with the gang that's here. We just wanted to warn you to stay away from them. As your friends," Leti smiled.
"Or because Oscar is looking in another direction and ignoring you," Ryan said.
"Whatever. Have fun," Leti smiled and stood up.
"I don't like her," I said.
"Us either. She's been trying to catch a Santos attention for years. Especially Oscar's," Ryan said.
"Well I appreciate the heads up, anyway," I smiled.
I had all classes with Max, so she showed me around. Lunch time came and I'd only brought an apple to eat, so I went on out to the court yard to sit and eat. I sat down and was on my phone when I heard someone sit beside me. I looked up to see the Oscar guy from this morning.
"Hey," he said.
"You're the new Freshman everyone's buzzing about?"
"I guess so."
"What's your name?"
"Harley. You?"
"Oscar. Where you from?"
"Listen, there's this party tonight, you should drop by," he smiled.
"Maybe," I smiled.
"Let me get your number. I'll text you the address," he smiled handing me his phone.
I put my number in,"thanks for the invite, but I don't know if I'll make it," I said handing him back his phone.
"No sweat if you don't," he grinned and walked away.
Max and Ryan came and sat down after Oscar left,"what did he want?" Max asked.
"He invited me to a party," I shrugged.
"A Santo party?" Ryan asked.
"I don't know, just a party," I said.
Just then my phone vibrated for a text message:
Unknown: Aye, it's Oscar.
Harley: thanks for giving your name
Oscar: no problem. If you're little friends wanna come tonight too they can, here's the address
Harley: I'll tell them
Oscar:cool see you tonight. Party starts at 7
Harley: maybe you'll see me tonight
Oscar: I will
I looked up from my phone and over at Oscar who was looking up at me smiling, I just shook my head and looked away.
"Was that him?" Max asked.
"Yeah, he said you guys could come to the party too if you wanted," I answered.
"Are you actually gonna go?" Ryan asked.
"I don't know yet. Maybe," I shrugged.
"Did you tell that to Oscar?" Max asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"What did he say?" Ryan asked.
"That he'd see me tonight. Why?" I asked again.
"He's gonna make claim on you so no other Senior does," Max said.
"He invited US to a party. Stop being so ridiculous," I shook my head.
The lunch bell rang and Ryan and Max got up to dump their trays,"we'll be right back," Max said.
"Okay," I stood up by the table and grabbed my bag while they did that.
"See you tonight," Oscar whispered as he walked past me.
"Maybe," I said.
"I'll see you there," he grinned.
"Now we have to go," Ryan said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Oscar is hard flirting with you. How about we get ready and crash at my place? Mom leaves for work at 5 and won't be home until tomorrow," Ryan said.
"Sounds good to me. My parents won't care," Max said.
"I'll have to ask my mom," I said.
"We can all walk home after school. We can stop by Harley's house first, then Max's, then go to mine. It's Friday, why they started school on a Friday who knows," Ryan laughed.
"Can't complain too much," Max grinned.
"See you 2 after school," Ryan grinned and walked to her next class.
"So how well do you know Oscar?" I asked Max.
"Not really well. I know he's got a little brother, Cesar, and that things aren't to good homewise, but don't let that stop you from doing anything. You only live once," Max smiled.
"Right," I laughed.
During last hour my phone viberated for a text:
Mom: I gotta work tonight🥺
Harley:that's fine. You think I could stay the night with Ryan and Max(both female)?
Mom: do I get to meet them?😊
Harley: yes, they're gonna walk home with me
Mom:okay😁 see you after school baby!❤️
After class Max and I met up with Ryan," mom already gave me the okay to stay. She just wants to meet you guys," I smiled.
"Sweet. Then let's go," Ryan smiled.
We were laughing and walking to my house when a car pulled up beside us,"hey Harley," Oscar smiled.
"Hey," I said.
"Am I gonna see you tonight?" He grinned.
"Maybe," I smiled.
"Yes!" Max yelled.
"She'll be there," Ryan smiled.
"Thought so. Catch you later," he winked and drove off.
"Holy shit. Now you have to go!" Max smiled.
"Why?" I asked.
"Girl, we're going, end of discussion," Ryan grinned.
We got to the front door and walked in. Our house wasn't much, but it was enough for us. When we walked into the kitchen mom was standing in there,"hey baby, how was school?" She smiled.
"It was good. Mom, this is Max and Ryan," I introduced.
"Hello, Mrs. Underwood," they both waved.
"Please call me Jean," mom smiled.
"We're gonna go to my room so I can pack my clothes. We'll be back out in a second," I smiled.
We walked down the hall to my room and I closed the door,"what do I even wear to these parties?" I asked.
"Tight clothes. Tight jeans and a tight crop top if you don't have any, I do," Ryan smiled.
"I do actually," I laughed and pulled out some clothes. I stuffed a change of clothes in the bag for tomorrow and a long t-shirt for bed, then we left after telling my mom bye and walked to Max's.
I met Max's parents and she got her clothes then we went to Ryan's. Ryan's mom was already gone by the time we got there and we decided to get ready. Ryan wore a black tight dress and Sandals, with dark makeup and curled her hair. Max wore short blue jean shorts, white converse and a blank tank top, she applied medium dark makeup and wore her hair straight. I wore dark tight jeans, a black crop top tank top that exposed my stomach, light tan boots, I applied light makeup, and pulled my hair half up half down with some loose pieces hanging in the front.
"Ready?" Max asked.
"We look hot," Ryan laughed.
"Very," I smiled.
"Where's this party at?" Max asked.
"Oscar sent me the address earlier, let me look. Oh, he text me," I said.
"What'd he say?" Max asked.
"Asked if we wanted a ride," I said.
"Do we?" Max asked.
"Tell him we'll walk," Ryan said.
I texted Oscar back:
Harley: we're just gonna walk
Oscar: see you in a little bit then?
Harley: yeah.
Oscar:text me when you're out front. I'll meet you outside
Harley: okay!
"I'm suppose to let him know when we're out front. He's gonna meet us outside," I said.
"You ladies wanna pregame shot or 2?" Ryan asked pulling out a bottle of Tequila.
"Yes," Max and I both laughed.We all 3 took a few shots then headed out to the Santos party.
When we got out front I texted Oscar:
Harley: here
Oscar: on my way out.
We stood infront of the house for a couple minutes when finally Oscar came out,"you made it!" He smirked.
"We did," I smiled.
"Who's the babes, Oscar?" A guy yelled.
Max and Ryan blushed, I just shook my head,"well, let's get you something to drink," Oscar said.
"Sounds good," I smiled.
"Beer or heavier?" He asked us.
"Beer," Ryan and Max both said.
"Heavier," I laughed.
"Coming right up," he laughed.
He brought back the 3 drinks and we all started to drink. Before long everyone was feeling the alcohol we'd already consumed. Max and Ryan were both dancing with Santos from school and I was dancing with Oscar.
"You doing okay?" Oscar asked.
"Yeah, just really tired," I smiled.
"Why don't I take you girls home?" He asked.
"What? No way. You've been drinking too," I said.
Max and Ryan walked over to us,"how are you 2 feeling?" Oscar asked.
"Drunk drunk. It's a good thing mom's not gonna be home,"Ryan laughed.
"You're staying alone?" Oscar asked.
"Just for tonight. I've done it plenty of times," Ryan said.
"Are you guys ready to go?" Max asked.
"Yeah," Ryan slurred.
"Why don't I walk you guys back?" Oscar asked.
"That'd be sweet of you," Ryan grinned.
"Leo, I'll be back. Gonna make sure the mijas make it home okay," Oscar yelled to the guy beside him.
"Okay compa," Leo yelled back.
"Let's go," Oscar said.
Ryan and Max we're leaning on each other to walk while Oscar and I hung back,"you're not so bad," I said.
"Someone tell you I was?" He asked.
"Leti told me to stay away from all of the Santos. Said you guys were bad."
"Don't listen to her. If you wanna come by the crib tomorrow you can. It won't be anything like tonight. No party, well later, but you don't have to stay for that."
"I'd love to," I smiled.
"You gonna be at Ryan's?"
"Yeah. It'll give my mom time to sleep," I smiled.
"Cool," he grinned.
When we finally got to Ryan's, her and Max went right inside,"I had fun tonight," I said.
"Me too. You're pretty chill," Oscar smiled.
"You're not so bad yourself," I grinned.
"Harley, Max is puking!" Ryan yelled then laughed.
"I better go take care of that. Let me know when you get home," I smiled.
"I will."
"I'm giving you an hour. I don't hear from you, I'm calling," I laughed.
"I'm sure you'll forget. Goodnight," Oscar smiled.
"Goodnight, Oscar," I grinned and walked inside.
I helped clean Max up and helped her and Ryan both change and get into bed. That alone took almost an hour. When they were down I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom to change. I pulled my phone out to see no text from Oscar, so I called.
Oscar: hello? *sleepy voice*
Harley: thought I told you to let me know when you got home?
Oscar: figured you forgot about me.
Harley: I just got those 2 to bed, bout to head there myself.
Oscar: wanna come back over? Everyone left. We can have our own party.
Harley: Oscar!
Oscar: not like that. We can drink, but not like that
Harley: that's a long walk
Oscar: on my way
*End of Call*
I ran out of the bathroom and jumped on Ryan and Max,"Harley, what are you doing?" Ryan groaned.
"I'm going back to Oscar's. I'll call you tomorrow!" I said.
"Be safe," Ryan grumbled.
I grabbed my bag and walked out the front door locking it behind me, already seeing Oscar parked out front. I walked down to the car and Oscar opened the door from the inside.
"Still in the same clothes? You have to be uncomfortable," Oscar said raising his eyebrow at me.
"Didn't have time to change," I shrugged.
"Come on," he said and I slide in the car beside him.
He drove us back to his house. We got out of the car and I grabbed my bag. We walked inside and the place was surprisingly cleaned up,"whoa," I said.
"What?" He asked.
"It's clean."
"Yeah. Everyone was gone when I got back, so I cleaned up, checked on Cesar, and had just laid down when you called," he smiled.
"If you're tired we don't have to drink or anything," I said.
"Never to tired," he smiled.
He went into the kitchen. And grabbed a bottle and then came back in and pulled me to what I was assuming his room,"the bathroom is to the left if you wanna change," he said.
"Thanks," I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I was looking through my bag and couldn't find my shirt, just my clothes for tomorrow. I huffed and walked back to Oscar's room still in my party clothes.
"Thought You was gonna change, mija?" He asked raising his eyebrow at me.
"I left my night clothes at Ryan's. All I have is this or jean shorts and a tank top," I sighed.
Oscar smirked and shook his head getting off his bed," here," he said throwing me a white t-shirt.
"Do you have black?" I asked.
"Why?" He asked confused.
"Black bra," I shrugged.
"Here," he chuckled handing me his black shirt right from his back.
"Uhm thanks," I smiled.
I turned away from Oscar and took of my tank top and slide his shirt on. It hit me about my knees, so I slide my jeans and boots off next. I turned back around and noticed Oscar rolling a blunt,"you smoke?" He asked.
"Sometimes. I use to a lot with my friend back home. He'd steal it from his brother," I smiled.
"Wanna smoke?"
"That was quite a show you just put on for me," he laughed.
"Didn't want to wake up your brother going in and out of the room," I said.
"Don't explain yourself. You got a nice body. Now, get over here, sit, smoke, drink, talk," he smiled. I walked over and sat beside Oscar on the bed and he lit the blunt as he handed me the bottle. We talked, smoked, and drank the rest of the night.
I woke up the next day in Oscar's bed with him behind me and his arm over my waist. I reached over and grabbed my phone to see it was almost 3p.m., I had several missed calls from Ryan and Max, a text from mom, and 20 others from Ryan and Max. I sat my phone back down and rolled over to go back to sleep. I looked at Oscar to see his eyes start to flutter open, so I closed mine again. He pulled me closer to him and let out a sigh.
Then my phone started to ring,"short lived," Oscar sighed, then woke me up.
I groaned a little to play in off and snuggled closer into him,"what?" I groaned.
"Nena, you're phone is ringing," he said.
"Let it ring," I groaned.
"We should probably get up anyway," he chuckled.
I rolled over and grabbed my phone,
Harley: hello?
Mom: hey baby, when you coming home?
Harley: I'll be home soon
Mom: okay sounds good. We're going out for supper
Harley: okay I'll see you soon. Love you
Mom: love you
*End of call*
"What time even is it?" I asked.
"Bout 330. You need a ride home?"
"Please?" I smiled.
"Get dressed," he grinned.
"Where do you want your shirt?" I asked.
"ON you. Some of the guys are here the way it sounds. Don't need them taking glances with you in a tank," he said.
"Should I go out the window?"
"No. Why would you?"
"Don't want them to think you hooked up with a minor," I shrugged.
"Harley, if those guys think that then you're safe from them, and only my concern," he said.
"Cause they means I claimed you."
"Oh okay. Not sure what that means," I chuckled.
"If we're going to be doing this, you should know that I am part of the Los Santos gang," he said.
"That suppose to scare me away?" I asked.
"It usually does, yeah."
"Listen Oscar, I don't care if you're part of a gang or a circus. I wanna be friends with you," I smiled.
"I like the sound of that," he smiled.
I opened my bag and pulled out my shorts and put then on,"can't even tell I got pants on," I sighed.
"How we gonna fix that?"
"I'll just put my jeans on," I said. I slide my shorts off and my jeans back on.
"I'm gonna need you to not wear lace black underwear the next time you stay," Oscar said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because next time, may not be good," he smirked.
"Okay?" I asked.
"You ever been with someone, Harley?" Oscar asked.
"No. Why?"
"That would explain that then," he laughed.
"I don't get it," I shrugged.
"It's hot," he smirked.
"Oh right, got it. Are you sure you don't want your shirt?"
"If you leave this room in a tank top, I'm gonna have to mark you."
"What? Why?"
"I gotta show what's mine. These guys know that."
"My mom would see that."
"Looks like you're keeping the shirt," he smirked.
"Fine, let's go," I rolled my eyes.
"Wait," he walked over and ruffled up my hair a bit.
"Really? I already had bed head," I said.
"Looks better," he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and we left his room together.
"Well, you 2 finally decided to wake up, I see," Leo smirked.
"Yeah, I'm gonna run her home real quick and I'll be back," Oscar said and grabbed his keys.
"See you in an hour," Leo winked at us. We both laughed and walked out the front door.
Oscar drove us back to my place without saying much. When we pulled up front he looked over at me,"when can we do this again?"
"The slumber party," he smirked.
"Mom works night shift, so anytime she works," I laughed.
"Don't you have a party to attend?"
"Not anymore," he smiled.
"I'll text you later," I smiled getting out of the car.
"I'll see you tonight," he smiled and drove off.
I walked into the house and mom was sitting on the couch,"Who was that?" She smiled.
"Another friend of mine," I grinned.
"Name?" She laughed.
"Oscar," I chuckled.
"Well anyway, what do you want for supper?"
"What about this BBQ place?"
"Sounds good. I'm ready when you are," I laughed.
When we got back home mom got ready for work then left. I decided to finish unpacking my room when my phone rang it was Ryan.
Harley: hey
Ryan: well? What happened?
Max: did you stay the night? We tried calling you!
Harley: hey Max. Yeah, I stayed the night. He wants to come over tonight
Ryan: are you gonna let him?
Harley: I think so
Max: details tomorrow we're going out for lunch
Harley: okay
Ryan: bye
Max: bye
Harley: bye
*end of call*
I smiled at my phone and shoved it in my back pocket when it went off with a text message:
Oscar: I'm at your front door
I ran to the front door and opened it so he could come in,"how'd you know mom was gone?"
"I didn't. I was chancing it," he smiled.
"Your shirt is in the washer right now, so when it's dry you can take it back home with you tonight."
"Slumber parties usually mean staying the night," he smiled.
"What about your party?"
"This is my party. Even brought a bottle," he smiled.
I grinned and shook my head,"You're something else."
"Oh, I know," he smiled.
"Well, what do you want to do?" I asked.
"We could watch a movie and drink. You don't smoke in here do you?" He asked.
"No, but we've got a privacy fence out back we could stand out there and smoke," I smiled.
"Deal, led the way," he said grabbing my hand.
I led us through the kitchen and out the door to the back patio. Oscar already had the blunt rolled and pulled it from behind his ear and lit it. I sat on the lawn chair and curled up. He sat down on the one next to me and passed the blunt.
After smoking it we went inside and I put in a movie," did you drive?" I asked.
"No, I walked so if I didn't wake up before your mom got home she wouldn't see the car," he smiled.
"Smart," I smiled.
"What are we watching?"
"Some movie mom left out," the movie had just started and we both started yawning.
"You tired?" He asked me.
"Yeah. You?"
"Forget the movie and just go to bed?" I asked.
"Yeah," he smiled.
I shut the movie off and then the living room light, then locked the door. I grabbed Oscar's hand and led him to my bedroom,"I'm gonna change, I'll be right back," I said.
"Cause you didn't already change infront of me," he laughed.
"Fair enough," I grabbed a big shirt from the closet and stripped my tank top off and threw it in the laundry basket in my room then took off my jeans. I heard Oscar suck in a breath and I slide the shirt over my head.
I walked over to my bed and crawled under the blankets,"you gonna get in bed or stand there and stare?" I laughed.
Oscar took off his shirt and shorts off leaving him in his boxers and crawled in bed beside me,"you gotta stop being so mean, nena or you're find yourself into some trouble."
"Goodnight Oscar," I smiled and laid down. Oscar laid down behind me and snaked his arm over my waist with his hand resting on my stomach under my shirt. I pressed myself back into his chest and fell fast asleep.
It was like that for months, either I'd go over there or he'd come to me. Freshman year was about to end. Oscar dropped out due to the gang, but he'd pick me up for school and still dropped me off back at home and on nights he'd stay at the house he'd just park down the block.
I was getting ready for school one morning while Oscar sat on the bed watching me,"Harley, I want to meet this Oscar guy tonight," mom yelled.
"I'll have to talk to him bout it," I yelled back shushing Oscar with my finger over my mouth.
"Invite him over for supper!" She said.
"Okay ma! I'm trying to get dressed. He should be getting here any second!" I yelled back buttoning my shorts.
Oscar stood up from the bed, winked, and hopped out the window. I finished getting ready for school, and heard a knock on the front door,"hello?" I heard my mom answer it.
"Hello, my name is Oscar, I'm Harley's friend," I heard Oscar's deep voice say.
"Please come in. Harley, Oscar's here!" Mom yelled.
I grabbed my bag and booked it to the kitchen," hey," Oscar waved.
"Hey, I was just getting ready to text you," I smiled.
"No worries. I'm already here," he smiled back.
"I was just telling Harley that I wanted to meet you, she talks about you so much," mom said.
"Does she?" Oscar asked raising his eyebrow.
"Mom, were gonna be late. We should go," I smiled.
"Why don't you join us for dinner tonight, Oscar? I have to work, but we could have an early supper," my mom smiled.
"I'd like that. I can always hang out after school, help Harley study for her Chemistry test," he smiled.
"I'd like that. Her teacher called said if she doesn't pass this test tomorrow she'll fail then I'll have to stop the slumber parties you 2 have been having," mom smiled.
Oscar's smiled dropped and I chocked on my toast,"what?" I asked.
"I'm not stupid or blind, Harley. I check on you every morning when I get home, some you're both here, others you're not and I know where you are. I'm fine with it, just promise if you're having sex you're using protection," mom smiled.
"You mean to tell me you've known for months this has been going on and you never stopped it?" I asked.
"Yep. I'll see you 2 after school," mom said, kissed my cheek and went to walk away,"oh also had he not shown up the way he did this morning, I would've waiting till supper to bring it up. Have fun. Love you," then she left the room.
Oscar started to smile,"you idiot!" I whispered.
"Come on," he laughed and we left.
Oscar drove me to school and before I could get out he grabbed my arm and pressed his lips to mine,"See you after school, babe," he smiled.
"See ya," I smiled and got out of the car.
When I got out of the car I walked over to Max and Ryan,"did he just kiss you?" Max asked.
"Yep," I answered.
"And he called you babe?" Ryan asked.
"Yes," I nodded.
"Y'all are together," Max squealed.
"He's met mom. He met her this morning and she knows about our slumber parties too," I said.
"What did she say?" Ryan asked.
"Just to use protection," I laughed.
The school day went by really slow and of course Chemistry was my last hour class, so it drug on even slower then the others. Once it let out I got my stuff and hauled it out the door with Max in tow.
"So Oscar is eating supper with you and your mom tonight?" Max asked.
"Yeah. Speaking of, why's he standing by my locker? He always just meets me out front," I said walking to him.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Hey, what're you doing in here?" I asked.
"Came to get my girl. Hey Max," Oscar said.
"Hey, so you 2 are official then?" She asked.
"Yeah," he smiled, "we better go. Gotta run to the store for your mom."
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"She texted me."
"When did she get your number?"
"When I went back over and made sure it was cool we're together. Come on," he smiled.
"Later Max!" I said. Oscar pecked my lips and grabbed my hand before we walked out to his car, we got in and left. We ran by the store and then went to mom's. We put up the groceries and I pulled out my Chemistry stuff to study. Oscar sat next to me and we studied while mom cooked.
Once we sat down to eat mom was so sweet to Oscar and Oscar to mom," how long has the slumber parties really been going on?" Mom asked.
"First day of school," I answered.
"Damn, I only caught on a month after it started, not bad though," mom laughed.
"I'm really sorry we went behind your back for so long," Oscar said.
"Don't worry about it. If I didn't like the way she's changed I'd said something," my mom smiled at us both.
We finished eating and Oscar helped me clean everything up while mom got ready for work. She walked out in her scrubs, kissed my forehead, hugged Oscar, then left,"that went over well," I smiled.
"You have a test to study for,"Oscar smiled.
"Don't you think I've studied long enough? I'm tired," I sighed.
"The way you were rattling the answers earlier, I think you'll do just fine on the test. So, what do you wanna do?"
"We can watch a movie or just got to bed," I laughed.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked.
"I don't know. Do you?" I smiled leaning towards him.
"I wanna kiss you."
"So do it then."
Oscar leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to mine. Our mouths started to move in sync with one another. Oscar lifted me up on the counter and just stood there kissing me. No hand movement just kissing me," I think we should just go to bed," Oscar said.
"Probably," I said.
Oscar helped me down, kissed me again and started back to the bedroom. I locked the door, turned off the lights and went to my room. I slide out of my shorts and shirt, threw them in the clothes hamper, slide on one of the million shirts I'd stole from him and crawled into bed beside Oscar. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat and drifted to sleep.
The last 3 weeks of Freahman year were the same, except if Oscar stayed over we'd just leave my room and go out the front and he parked his car around front, or if we stayed there I took clothes to change into for school. Oscar would take me to school and send me off with a kiss and greet me with one after school.

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