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I'm sitting down writing longhand in my notebook at my favorite Panera in Hoboken, NJ, contentedly sipping my Yerba Mate tea (refer to previous blog), deeply focused on my writing and in my own world - when suddenly, I feel a SINISTER presence hovering over me...
"You know..."
Oh God - NOOOO!!! It can't be!
How could this be?! I thought we had FINALLY seen the last of him when he was vanquished to Greece just short of a year ago - this was about the 4th time, but I thought - somehow... this time - but, no, he CANNOT be destroyed.
"What you have to do is work at this Greek diner up in Liberty, NY that I know, you can work as a dishwasher there 7 days a week, I know the owner - he is a Greek, you eat the meals there, so you don't spend any money, and you can even sleep there - they have a room in the back. After about 6 months, you'll have saved around $6,000, and then you buy a 3 story house in Liberty, rent out the other 2 floors, and live in the top one, write upstairs and continue to work in the diner. Within 6-7 years, you will have enough income where you don't have to work anymore."
Jeez...when you LEAST expect it, he ambles over, hands in pockets, interrupting your OWN writing with this insane, random advice. He, himself, is supposed to be a writer of some sort, as he has been working on this MANIFESTO for about 47 years now. His own heinous routine is to spread his papers all over the TWO tables he puts together - he MUST have TWO tables in the EXACT same spot - and, there are approximately 2,872 pages. The thing is, he can only write for about 5 minutes, then he has to get up from his seat and stroll through Panera, until he spots his next victim - ultimately destroying THEIR writing for the night, Oh, the humanity! More on the various characters at Panera soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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