Story #2

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The ball was in her possession, and charli dashed down the court with perfect control of the ball.
"Charli, over here!" Her teammate shouted and charli passed it effortlessly. The net was ever so close and charli yelled for the ball.
"U got this Charles!" He teammates encouraged and she took her shot. The ball swished through the net and the game was over. A roar came from the crowd and her teammates thumped her back
"We won the finals!" They screamed TOGETHER.
"THATS MY GIRL, SHES MINE!" A voice screamed from the audience and screaming that was the noodles of charlis life. People stared at him liek he was a psycho but he kept going
"Isn't she just the best!" He said to random strangers that passed him and charli couldn't help but blush a bright red. He gave her a wink and clapped VERY LOUDLY. (Hehe)

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