Lilith x Reader

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All you could hear were cheers as you beat Tannis' high score on "Borderlands Science." One second you were staring at the pixelated screen before you and the next you were being hoisted into the air by Brick. You had done it! You had beaten Tannis' high score after hours of a mixture of analyzing complex algorithms and mindlessly mashing buttons until you won. (It was Brick's idea in the first place to mash them though, so you weren't really ashamed.)

The cheers and the congratulations around you were drowned out when you saw her. Your wide smile dropped slightly until it became a look of adoration. Once Brick had set you back on your own two feet, you stumbled over to the door frame where a certain redhead was waiting.

You licked your lips and grinned. "Afraid you'll be swallowed by the crowd if you get too close?"

"Heh. Something like that." Lilith replied, still leaning on the door frame. She glanced at the people both of you call family before focusing her gaze on you. 

Those eyes will always take your breath away. She just doesn't know it.

"Quit starin' into each uther's eyes and kiss already!" Ellie boomed from the hallway.

Ellie winked at Lilith when she gave the mechanic an unamused look. You simply looked at your feet and laughed before meeting eyes with Lilith again.

Damn those eyes.

"Well? Shall we entertain Ellie's late night fantasies?" You asked, your confidence slowly slipping away with each word that came out of your mouth. You took a step forward and looked down at her.

"If it stops her from bothering me about it, then definitely." She closed the gap between you two, hooking her arms around your neck and pulling you in. 

You definitely were not expecting that.

Your lips met hers and you nearly moaned at the contact while a spark ignited inside of you, causing you to crave more. She sighed into the kiss, dragging you down so she wouldn't be on her tippy toes. Your hands settled on her waist, squeezing so you wouldn't overstep a boundary and take the kiss too far.

God, you could get lost in her. But apparently other people have different plans.

"Wow, Lil' is finally openin' up to someone." Mordecai said.

"Yeah! I've been wondering when they were gonna bang." Brick followed up.

At that point, both of you pulled back and sighed out a laugh.

"Perhaps we can take this somewhere...less nosy? I believe we have a lot to talk about, Firehawk." You whispered.

Lilith nodded. "Lead the way, killer."

You did. You lead her all the way to your room. Well, you tried to at least.

But Ellie just had to wolf-whistle.

Maybe the talking will have to wait until after  you catch Ellie.


Lilith because I refuse to let her die. 

I tried so hard to make her character but the kiss was DEFINITELY OOC and I hate that. I just can't imagine her kissing anyone lmaooo

Hope ya enjoyed:^)

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