Chapter One: Maxon

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After the Attack

“Your Majesty.”

I look up from my bed to see Stavros standing by it. 

“I came as soon as I could. I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “Your parents didn’t make it. Your mother was seen trying to save the King. He died soon after.”

I feel myself go pale as my breath hitches. I briefly close my eyes. “Any news on Lady America?”

“She was found unconscious under a table, as you said. She lost a lot of blood. Her chances of survival…” Stavros looks away from me.

No. Not my America. 

“Let me know if anything…” I whisper, trailing off.

“Of course.” He gives me an apologetic look and leaves.

“Leave,” I order the guards, struggling to keep my tears in as I take a deep breath. The moment the door closes behind them I put my head against my hands and let out a series of sobs.

My dear sweet mother, selfless to her very last breath. And Father. Even though I hated him, he was still my Father. 


Another cry escapes me. Even though I know America is probably going to die, deep down I hope that it won’t be true.

The bullet should have hit me, not her. If I was just faster…

There was a knock on my door, interrupting my thoughts. I straighten up, wiping my eyes, before letting out a weak “Come in.”

Kriss cautiously walks in, her face grave. She stops a couple feet from my bed, giving me space. “How are you?”

“Only a sprained arm. From falling,” I motion to my wrapped arm. Falling. Falling from trying to save America. 

“I am sorry about your parents,” she whispers.

I nod, unsure what else to say.

Kriss takes a deep breath before continuing. “I was just wondering if there are going to be certain… arrangements. Should I remain in the palace?”

“Kriss… I would just appreciate it if you kept a distance. I… America…” I look away, fighting another sob.

“I understand,” Kriss says lightly. “If you ever need me, you know where to find me.”

I nod again, staring at my bedsheet. I hear Kriss walk away and leave, quietly shutting the door behind her.

America. I need to see her.

I get up from my bed and put my suit coat on, taking care with my right arm. Wiping my eyes with my handkerchief, I open the door and step out.

“I am going to the hospital wing,” I inform the guards by the door. “If anyone asks for me, tell them I don’t want to be disturbed unless it is urgent.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Would you like one of us to accompany you, just in case?” one of the guards asks.

I sigh and give them a nod. I begin walking away from my room, the sound of boots following me.

Destruction is everywhere. Paintings off the walls, vases shattered on the floor. It’s horrible. In all of the various attacks I’ve witnessed, I’ve never seen so much damage to the palace. 

Taking the stairs down is a challenge with all the glass on the ground, but I somehow manage without slipping. When I turn the corner into the Hospital Wing, I freeze. 

There are so many injured people. 

The light chatter in the room diminishes and vanishes as I get noticed. Taking a deep breath, I slowly make my way through the rows of people, not meeting the eyes of anyone. I knew everyone’s gaze would be full of pity.


I turn to the casual call of my name, surprised. 

It was him. The guard. America’s guard.

A few hours ago, I would have wanted to bash this man’s head into the wall. But now, I don’t know. 

“Pardon me for the casual greeting, Your Majesty,” the guard says quietly. I slowly make my way closer to him. 

“Least of my worries, Officer Leger,” I respond.

“Is she…” he trails off.

“I-I don’t know,” I whisper.

He nods over to the door at the end of the hall. “Doctor Ashlar is in there. He wouldn’t tell me anything.”

I practically run towards the door when I hear that. I gave a short knock on it before letting myself in.

“I thought I told you, no one comes- oh! Your Majesty!” Doctor Ashlar exclaims, giving a quick bow. “Forgive me, Sir. I thought you were a nurse.”

“How is she,” I demand, closing the door behind me.

Doctor Ashlar sighs. “I was actually just going to call for you. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. She lost too much blood from the bullet,” he says gently. “My deepest condolences.”

I feel my knees go weak, and I grip the table next to me. “C-Can I see her?”

He nods. “She is just in the room next door.”

I quickly open the door and run to the other room. I make my way towards the bed, never taking my eyes off her. 

Even in death, she is breathtakingly beautiful. I softly brush my fingers against her pale cheek.

My darling America… Oh, what I wouldn’t give to see her open her striking blue eyes again. 

I would never get to see her walk down the aisle toward me, I’d never get to see her face in our children, I’d never get to see streaks of silver in her hair. I collapse by the bed and began to sob uncontrollably.

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