Chapter 28.

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LETS RECAP: Ayumi gonna kill herself. Now back to the crying.

Kishinuma's POV

        "Ayumi!" I yelled. I scanned every corner, every empty car, every empty building. I couldn't find her!

        Questions and thoughts were racing through my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I promised to protect her no matter what, and that's what I'll do.

        "AYUMI!!" I screamed. I fell to my knees with both of my hands on the ground. "Ayumi.." I whispered out.

        A bright light lit up the whole road. Mochida flinched at the sight. A ear splitting sound followed it.

        I can't lose her again.. I can't live without her, if she goes I go..

        I sighed. I stood up from the ground and felt a rain drop on my neck. Then soon many more began to fall from the sky.

        I looked up, seeing light flash across the sky. Everything was moving too fast. I've always thought that maybe me and Ayumi would just graduate, have a great summer, go through college and meet up again.. then maybe.. we could spend our lives together.

        But thanks to Naho.. I'm losing her again.. I don't want you to die Ayumi, I don't want to lose you! CAN'T YOU SEE I LOVE YOU GOD DAMN IT!

        "AYUMI!!" I yelled, at the same time thunder roared, as if it were grieving like I was. I was glad it was raining for once.

        So everyone wouldn't see my tears.

Shinozaki's POV

        My legs burned.

        My heart burned.

        My lungs were on fire.

        I kept running like I was being chased. Adrenaline rushed through me, my heart was pounding in my head, everywhere in my body it hurt and burned like hell.

        I ran and ran to the water tower as fast as I could. I had too, I had no choice, I wanted everyone to live. And I had to pay the price for endangering their lives..

        I slowed down to take a breather. I felt so tired, I couldn't stop running much longer. And the water tower is still a large distance away. I don't know how much more of this that I can take..

         I could pass out any moment now, then the others would find me! I'm trying to save them all, can't they understand what I'm trying to accomplish?

        I'm trying to save everyone, but they keep going the wrong way. Why does it seems to always be something in my way? When I'm trying to do the right thing!?

        My breathing was raspy, I don't know how much more of this I can take. I didn't feel so good right now.. Instead of walking, I started dragging myself to the water tower.

        I pushed each leg forward, muscles screaming out in pain by each extremely painful step.

        "I.. Have.. To. Save, them.. all!" I fell to the concrete floor. So tired..

        No, I can't quit, not now. I have to keep going, I love them all too much to just stop now. If I don't sacrifice myself, Naho is going to kill everyone..

        I stood up slowly, each of my muscles still pleading for me to rest. But I can't, I refuse to give up on everyone!

        I jerked myself up to stand correctly on my feet. I walked with each painful step. "Have.. To.. Keep.. Moving.."

Shinohara's POV

        Ouch, my head. It hurts..

        Naomi? My dear Naomi, where are you?! I can't open my eyes! Naomi!

        I couldn't open my eye, but I could feel.. I could feel someone... I think someone is dragging me. Where?

        Oh.. I remember now. I saved Naomi from those terrible monsters! But where did they take me?

        Am I one of them?

        Is this what it feels to die?

        No it's impossible, someone has to be dragging me, so I have to be either alive, or I'm just hearing and feeling random things.

        A very loud clap woke up me. I gasped. I looked at the sky. It was storming outside. Thunder.. I thought.

        Must be thunder that startled me awake. But where's the person that dragged me? I'm not even being dragged, I'm just sitting in the dirt. Alone.

        I looked down at myself. Ropes are tied all around me. Really tight, it hurt to move!

        "Ouch.." This hurts..

        "Oh, you're awake." I gasped. Is someone here with me?

        Is this Naomi!?

        Or the person that dragged me?

        Did Naomi drag me here?

        "Na- Naomi?"

        "No dear, I'm a totally different person.." I did not recognize this voice. Who is this?

        "Who- Who are you? Why am I tied up? Where am I?!" I questioned this person.

        He or she chuckled. I heard footsteps coming, but I didn't see anyone. "Where are you?" I asked.

        "Does it matter? You are my hostage, I am going to keep you all tied up until Ayumi finishes her part of the bargain." Ayumi? Class Rep!

        "Our old class Rep? What do you mean? What are you talking about?" I asked.

        "Heheh, I guess it shouldn't hurt to explain this to my prisoner." I looked up, and saw a girl about my age standing above me.

        "I am Naho Saenoki, I am deceased. Although I don't know why, you manage to be alive just the like the others."

        "You mean from, from Heavenly Host?"

        She giggled. "Curious little one aren't you?"

        She nodded yes to answer my question after that. "Ayumi and I had made a deal. If she kills herself before the sun rises in the east, I will release everyone's soul out of my clutches, and revive those who died. Everything will go back to the way it was. As in, normal."

        "And if she doesn't?"

        "Then I will keep everyone's soul, as my own personal slaves. And kill everyone she loves and holds dear with herself. Starting with..." She circled her finger around until it pointed at me. "You."

        I started shaking. "M- Me?" I asked.

        "Well yes of course. If she doesn't hold up to her part of the deal, I'm going to start to kill everyone off her friends and family, beginning with you." She giggled after that sentence.

        How long have I been out?!



Fallen Apart (CP Fanfic sequel to Yoshiki x Ayumi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt