Chapter 37.

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Kishinuma's POV

        I broke down..

        I can't keep doing this anymore.. I can't, not without Ayumi.. She was the light of my life, just like her candles..

        Someone tapped me on the shoulder, I was still hugging Yuki after our break down.

        I glanced back to see Hinoe with a sad expression across her face. Looking at her sad, reminds me of... Oh God..

        I sniffed and wiped my nose, standing up simultaneously as I did it.

        "Kishinuma, this may not be the right time, but we need one more volunteer.." She replied quietly.

        I shuddered a bit, cold from being wet from the storm that came from outside. It was already gone, but I could still feel the chills.

        "Yeah, yeah I know.." I replied the same way. Quietly.

        "Yoshiki." I looked down again to see Yuki tugging on my shirt again, this time not as fiercely and firm, but meek and weak. She was still crying.

        "I can be the volunteer."

        My expression quickly changed. "No, you're just a child, you can't put that upon yourself!" I exclaimed with speed.

        I even wondered how she even know about the spell Hinoe was going to cast. "Wait how-"

        "She explained it to me earlier, before she left the rest of us in her house. She said if we ever lost anyone, we'd need volunteers a-and... I decided myself if anyone died, I would be that volunteer." She said.

        I was shocked. She's just a kid! Why would she want to just poof her existance away?!

        I quickly took a glimspe at Hinoe, who was twiddling with her thumbs a bit. "Kishinuma, this may be a bit hard to take in but-"

        "But what?! She's 12! You can't poof her existance away! That's madness!!" I yelled. I couldn't help, but noticed that everyone in the room stared at me. Or Ayumi..

        "She's older than you are Kishinuma. She's just been deceased a long time to not have aged."

        "I don't care!" I pounded a fist on her coffee table in front of the couch. "She got her one chance to finally live, an-and you're taking it away from her?"

        "She chose this herself Kishinuma, she's doing this so we can bring back both Ayumi and Yuka. Now don't tell me you want them to stay like that, now do you?" Hinoe replied harshly, pointing to both of Yuka's and Ayumi's corpses. I could feel her tone changing. It wasn't that calm tone where she'd try to make everything that had fallen apart stick together, but now it was changing into a cold harsh tone.

        "O-of course I don't.."

        "Let Yuki do as she chooses. She only wishes to repay Ayumi for helping her, and restoring her soul once again. It's her turn to help us now." Hinoe calmly said, removing her harsh tone. I sighed.

        I turned back to Yuki. "You sure about this? Do you really just want to... disappear?"

        She looked down at the floor. "Everyone may forget all about me, but at least I was helpful along the way. I want to thank you all for trying to help me last year, it meant a lot," she put a hand to her chest, where her heart was,"even though you all may not remember me at all, I will always be in here. And you all will be in here." She gestured to my heart and to hers.

        "Oh.. Yuki, that's really, noble of you. You'll always be in here Yuki," I quickly pointed to my chest area, where my heart was,"in here." I finished.

        She smiled sadly at me. "That's good to know."

        "Ehem, sorry if I'm interrupting, but it's time. Come on Yuki." Hinoe quickly walked to the both of us. She looked at me. "Kishinuma, no matter what happens, please be there for Ayumi, I won't exist anymore, so she'll need guidance. Please be that guidance for her, for I need to do this." She put a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

        I smiled back, but this was out of sadness. "Ye-yeah, don't worry, I'll be there for Ayumi." I assured her.

        "Very well," Hinoe glanced back at Yuki,"it's time." She finally said. Yuki nodded and took the hand Hinoe had stretched out for her.

        They both walked to a door- wait, where the heck did that door come from?!

        Satoshi was awfully silent, but not until he noticed what I had noticed. "Where the heck did that door come from?!" He asked frantically.

        "Just know that this will lead to our solution." Hinoe said. She began waving at us as she walked through the door with Yuki.

        "Goodbye everyone, goodbye Onee-chan.." She slowly waved until the door finally closed, and she was gone.

Shinozaki's POV

        I began shivering in the rain.

        Is it just me? Or is it getting colder?

        Yoshiki removed his black jacket, then wrapped it around me, the shivering lessened. But it still went on.

        Now I just wonder if.. this is where I'm going to be living the rest of my life now.. In this, random world I just had to pop into.

        My other life.. was that a dream? I hear that when you have dreams where you are falling and just wake up before the impact, you live.. Is this even living though?! Learning that my whole life has been a lie?!

        I started shaking my head. "No, no, no, no, please no.." I said quickly backing away from Yoshiki. The rain started pouring harder now.

        "A-Ayumi what's wrong now?" Yoshiki asked now. He reached for me, but I quickly yanked backwards on the sidewalk we were on.

        "No! Stay back!" I screamed. I just have to get out of here, I have to think about this more deeply.

        I broke into a run again, off the sidewalk onto the road. "Ayumi! STOP!" Yoshiki screamed.

        I closed my eyes and kept on running.

        "Move out of the way!" He yelled more. 

        I suddenly tripped and fell.


        I looked up to see a very bright light coming towards me. Is this another dream? Am I waking up now?

       The light immediately hit me and a flash of pain quickly overwhelmed me until everything went black.

        I was gone again.




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