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Start from the beginning

Faster than he could react, Johnny rushed past him, sprinting upstairs to the entrance of the house.

There was one big mistake Jaehyun had made:

he left the Nail Ripper there.

Johnny had managed to get free of the ropes with the help of the little machine.

Quickly Jaehyun grabbed the knife, which was laying on the ground because Johnny probably pulled it out of his arm, sprinting after the tall male.

Jaehyun caught up a bit but still wasn't that close to stop the male from running. It was really a thrilling race with the two males running down the street, the one chasing the other.

But unfortunately, Johnny never stopped running and got to his destination:

The school.

Everything felt like slow motion. Johnny running to the school entrance with the cherry blossom petal falling slowly, Jaehyun's fear building up even more that everyone will know.

Blood smeared Johnny dashed through the entrance, past the locker, arriving at the fountain where a certain pink haired usually sat.

"Taeyong!" Johnny shouted drawing the pink haired's attention to him as the latter's was too occupied with listening to music before.

Completely shocked, Taeyong scanned Johnny from head to toe, only to witness the missing finger and two missing fingernails on his right hand, a missing fingernail on his left hand, bruises on his face and deep, bloody wounds on both his upper arms with the red liquid dripping on the ground.

"What happened?!" Taeyong shouted worried, standing up and ripping out his ear phones in the process.

As than pink haired stood up he saw Jaehyun running right at them.

"Stop! Don't come any near us!" Johnny shouted and turned around, hugging Taeyong protectively.

The brown haired in fact freezed on the spot two meters in front of the pair, still holding a knife in his hand.

"Taeyong he's crazy! He's obsessed with you and tortured me because I love you. And he killed Yuta and made Ten kill himself!" Johnny shouted on top of his lungs, now also drawing the attention of nearby students also to him, who were only know witnessing his bloody appearance and the male in front of him with a blood  smeared knife.

It took Taeyong some time to process what was happening. You surely aren't experiencing this kind of situation often after all.

And Jaehyun just really wanted to shut the others mouth once and for all with stabbing the knife into the brown haired's head. The boy really regretted that he didn't killed him the night before.

"What have you done?!" The pink haired screamed on top of his lungs, tears beginning to roll down his face.

"You were the one who killed them?!" Taeyong continued and broke down onto his knees, sobbing like never before.

"Taeyong it's not-" Jaehyun took a step forward but was immediately stopped by Taeyong's screams: "No! Never come near me again. You're a monster!"

The brown haired sunk his head to look at the ground. This couldn't happen. Taeyong couldn't hate him and Taeyong shouldn't hate him.

It was all for nothing. Weeks of planning and murdering and there was no reward.

Taeyong hates him.

𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗦𝗦 𝗙𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 × ʝαҽყσɳɠWhere stories live. Discover now