Scott held onto her wrists and pushed her off of him but she caught her balance and back hand slapped him back against the van roughly, she clawed at his stomach and he fell down. I looked over to see Deucalion looking up at me, he smiled widely at me before whistling. Ava turned and ran over to him, she stood in front of him and he placed his hand onto her head, she looked round and looked up to me, her eyes just stayed on me and I stepped back. "He....He's made her join his pack.." Lydia said. 

Ava's pov

Deucalion roared up at Derek and so did the twins, I just stood there staring up at me and then looking down to see Scotts red eyes. I ran over to him and grabbed at his head, I pushed him to the side and growled at him, he got up and rushed at me but he didn't hit me or anything. He grabbed me and stared into my eyes, "Snap out of it...this isn't you, Ava." He said and I growled loudly, "It is can push my problem aside, I will not drop it...not until every single Argent is dead...And I mean, every single Argent, including that old man in the old mans home...Gerard?" I laughed and he frowned at me, "Thanks to Ria, she got rid of one of the tough ones to get rid of...Chris Argent" I said and watched as he frowned, he was about to aim at me but the twins pushed him far back. 

"Come!" Deucalion called out and we made our way to him, "Let's visit the Argents now, hmmm?" He smirked and I nodded quickly, I looked back to see Scott standing up, he shook his head at me but I smiled and followed Deucalion. 

Dereks pov

We rushed down to Scott and I held onto his arm, "Come on we have to go there too" Vi said and we ran off to the Argents house. "Did we get here first?" Jackson asked, "What are you lot doing here?" I looked round to see a woman standing there with a gun, she held it close to her chest and she walked over to us, "I'm Braeden..I'm here to get rid of the alpha pack" she wriggled her shoulders, something about made me smile over at her, she had good confidence and she was pretty. 

"Did we get here first?" Scott asked, "No they're inside" Braeden said as she stepped closer to me, she looked into the window and pointed, I leaned and looked to see Ava standing beside one of the twins. Deucalion had Mr Argent on a chair and circled him, I looked down to see all the dead bodies of other Argent members. 

Deucalion pointed to Ava and she walked over, her claws out and her eyes focused on Mr Argent. Braeden rose her gun and aimed it to Ava, I put my hand on her gun and shook my head, pushing her gun to aim at one of the twins. 

She nodded and I watched as Ava slashed at Mr Argents throat, he fell down and she smiled widely. Braeden pressed the trigger and shot one of the twins, he fell down but got back up and turned to us, "Oh shit..." Stiles mumbled, the two came running towards the window and then jumped out of it. I stepped back quickly and watched as they was focused on the girl holding the gun, I ran at one and slung him aside. 

Ava's pov

I looked to Deucalion who gestured for me to go and fight, I rushed to the window and jumped out to see Derek fighting beside a woman, Stiles and the others trying to help out but failing. I roared out and the others looked at me, I ran towards Lydia and she stepped back quickly, I felt a slap to my face, I slid across the ground and my back crashed against a car. Peter came out of no where, I looked over to him and he stomped over to me. "This isn't you, Ava!" He yelled and I felt him grab my shirt, he pulled me up onto my feet and I clawed at his stomach, he stepped back and I kicked at his chest - sending him towards one of the twins, they grabbed him and flung him into Derek and the girl. 

I looked back to Lydia and walked towards her, "A-Ava..." She said and I growled loudly, I heard two gun shots and I looked round to see the twins dropping down dead, I widened my eyes and looked towards the woman, Derek ran his hands through his hair and smiled at her. "You...Are an amazing woman" He said, she smiled at him and then looked to me. 

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