Cнα⅊тɛʀ 1 (edited)

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"I can handle it on my own, my problems are mine alone."

"We're family, your problems are our problems and if you're struggling, we're struggling so let me help", I firmly tell her hoping she'd submit to defeat.

"I would have managed if they'd just extended the rent due date by a week or two", mom replies heavy-heartedly, her fingers tightening on her mug and her eyes watering from the embarrassment she was experiencing.

"Mom, look at me", I beg her as she blinks a couple of times, her head slowly raising to meet my eyes, "Being a single mother is tough and having to look after all the finances and the house chores, and even two daughters makes you a superhero but here's the thing, it's okay to admit you're losing control, you've got me and Nina and we're going to help you."

The words float in silence as mom lets them sink in before she nods determinedly and adds, "I still don't like the idea but alright, just don't work yourself too hard, all we need to do is get through the next few rent payments and save a little money up for the future."

Glad that mom had relented her attack on the job, I returned back to my sandwich, washing it down with a glass of orange juice whilst mom resumed watching TV. It wasn't so much that mom didn't want me to take the job because she thought I wouldn't have a life of my own but rather because she didn't want to admit we were struggling financially and needed more money to get a grasp on things.

Mom was a prideful woman and to have to look at her daughter going to work to help her out wasn't something she wanted to experience. It didn't help that after our dad, her husband, left us, she went into a depressive episode and was fired from her previous job. Now she works as a nurse on the night shift at the local hospital but lately she seemed drained out and sickly pale. I wanted to lessen her burden and earn some money so we could afford everything and not worry about every dollar and cent we spent hence why I took the job.

As I was finishing my sandwich my little sister, Nina, ran across the room and hugged my waist, "Nene! Bring me back some chocolates from that little candy shop we always go to, okay?" She pleaded adorably. Nina was thirteen years old and always seemed to call me by the nickname she had given me: 'Nene'.

"Alright Nina, I'll see what I can do, no promises though", I replied as I tightened my hold on her and chuckled at the wide grin, she gave me.

My little sister ran off to our mom, ungraciously jumping into moms' arms who huffed from the strain and cuddled her little daughter. Nina was blissfully unaware of our struggles, but she was too young to be told anyways and we didn't want the little one to be worried about anything.

Nothing could change my mind about the job and deep down I knew mom was grateful for what I was doing. After all, I wanted to give my family a better life, I wanted to prove to my bastard of a dad that we could live without him and that we didn't need his god forsaken money to manage comfortably but I guess it was in a mother's nature to be worried because as I made my way towards her on the sofa, she looked apprehensive, like nerves were stinging her entire body.

"I'll be going now, be safe and get some rest mom", I tell her with a kiss on her cheek and a warm smile.

"Thank you", she whispers in reply, grasping my hand and squeezing it tightly before letting me slip away. Nina avidly waved goodbye to me as I made my way to the hallway and stuffed a coat on, she had a few more minutes before she'd have to go to school. Once I'd exited the house, the bright morning light beamed in my direction, and I noticed a black SUV parked in front of the house. The name, 'Coopers', was designed on the side of the vehicle which let me figure out that it was a company car.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz