IV: First Fight

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The three man nodded to each other. Then, when they start to move out;

"I never try this again since the last time I changed. But let's try," Akira said.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and move to a stance. A sudden light emerged around him. Then, he changed into a white robe. His hair changed to a long black hair. A transparent scythe in his hand.

The other two men was surprised by the sudden change.

"My king," Kou had only enough time to kneel down in front of the 'King of Light'.

"Well, let's get going," The transformed Akira said.


"It's Shin, alright," the transformed student said.

Right on the top of the building, there were a bunch of black figure wandering around.

"Akira!" A familiar voice was heard from afar.

It was his friend. "Thought you guys would be here," she panted through her breath.

"Is everything alright?" A blond guy appeared who's also his friend.

"Well, yeah, except for the flying species there," replied Akira while crossing his arms and motioning with his head.

Despite turning into a 'King', his personality is still intact.

"Ok, stop chatting. Let's focus in things ahead," Kou pointed out making them all ready to charge.

"Speaking of this Shin, is it me or they upgraded or something like that?" Keigo was the first to comment on the weird looking creatures. They looked a bit different from those they fought before.

"They look creepy," Aya pointed out, shivers run through her body.

"Don't worry, I'll protect-:" his words were cut off when a punch landed on his head.

"Shush!" The only girl there were responsible of the attack.

Akira and Shirogane was watching them, clearly confused. Awhile later, they look at each other trying to understand why.

Although, Akira broke the eye contact first with a blush on his cheek.

"Everyone, we need to focus! They're coming!" Kou was there to remind them at least.

"Right," the new King was the first one to make a move. He jumped up high and sliced a bunch of Shins with one swing.

"Whoa, no fair! You guys weapon are big! Especially Akira," the blond complained.

The other has also started to take offense. "Stop complaining!" The black haired girl begin to get annoyed.


"There's no end to this!" Aya was panting. It has been awhile since they start destroying the Shins, but it has yet to decrease.

"We have to do a mass killing!" Kou suggested as he runs a claw towards the enemy. "Akira, Shirogane!"

The long white haired began his stance with his black sword, ready to throw a big attack.

"Wait!" A female voice was heard not far from there. "Don't you feel sorry for my dear Shins?" She said.

All of them turn to the voice. There, stood a girl with long, pink twin ponytail. She wore a black and white dress.

"Lulu?" Aya shouted in disbelief.

"Oh, you remember me!" Lulu cheered holding out a fist below her jaw.

"Of course, I do!" Aya answered.

"Oh, I'm honored! Still, you gotta pay for what you did to my clothes!" The pink haired pouted.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault!"

Thus, the two continued to argue.

"Lulu, what happened?" Shirogane finally spoke. His face was serious, waiting for the girl to reply.

"Uh," to everyone's surprise, the twin ponytailed hesitated. "Shins, attack them!" She ordered, trying to get out of the conversation.

The enemy followed her order, attacking simultaneously. Akira and the others stand on their ground.

"Oh, wait. I mean Shin!" The girl smirked.

Just then, the black figures began to thrust into each other. In time, they become bigger. They're the size of the building they're standing at!

"Oh, no. This is bad news!" Keigo shrieked in shock.

"They're getting bigger! We need to destroy it!" The white haired ordered.

Thus, they all begin to attack the enemy. Keigo tried punching the monster. Aya and Shirogane tried to slice it. Kou was scratching them with his claws. Akira tried to decapitate* it with his scythe. However, none of them works.

"What should we do?" The group began to panic.

"Let me handle this," the black haired king volunteered. "Everyone take cover!" he demanded.

The other four take a few step back, landing on the top of another building. Shirogane looked at Akira with concern.

Again, Akira took his fighting stance. He focused his power in one place. In a moment, an ice formed from the end of his blade. It became bigger and bigger in time.

"What he's trying to do?" Aya asked in amusement.

"It's the King's power. To create and manipulate ice by his will," Kou exclaimed, joy clear in his voice.

Shirogane just peer at him in silence. The enemy is still moving. Closer towards the 'King'.

"He needs some time," The white haired murmured.

"Huh?" Aya asked.

Without waiting further, he hopped in front of Akira, which made him surprise. "Shirogane! what are you doing?" He asked in panic.

"Just continue! I'll distract them!" He channeled a big swing from his long blade. Then produced a black force which makes the big creature reverse a bit.

The King of Light was still hesitating, but it won't do! He tried to concentrate. In just a few minutes, he has able to generate a big chunk of ice.

"Get out from there, Shirogane!" Akira yelled.

Just as the white haired cleared out of way, he throw the big weapon to the enemy.


The black creature dissipated into dust. "We made it!" Cheered the other in the back.

The black haired seems to be backed away by the impact. Shirogane helped him up.

"Wait a minute, what's that?" All of them turned to the place where the girl motion to.

Something has fallen down from the disintegrated dark dust. It was flat and white, like a paper.

The guy with glasses picked it up, "Anything there?" Asked Akira. They all regrouped at the fallen object.

"Take a look at it yourselves," Kou hold the paper to the others.

"This is... A map?"


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